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Articulation is how we make clear speech sounds. When we talk, we use our lips, tongue, and other muscles to create the sounds that make up our words. Sometimes, people have difficulty making certain sounds, making it tough for them to be understood. Speech therapy can help them practice and improve their ability to make those sounds so they can talk more easily.

Frequently Asked Question


At what age should a child be able to produce all speech sounds?

By the age of 8, most children should be able to produce all speech sounds accurately. However, some children may continue to struggle with certain sounds until the age of 9 or 10.

What causes articulation difficulties?

Articulation difficulties can be caused by a variety of factors, including hearing loss, neurological disorders, developmental delays, or physical abnormalities in the mouth or throat.

Can adults benefit from articulation therapy?

Yes, adults can benefit from articulation therapy, especially if their speech difficulties are impacting their ability to communicate effectively in personal or professional settings.

Scientific Definition


Articulation is crucial for clear speech. It involves coordinating the lips, tongue, jaw, and other speech muscles to produce accurate sounds. This is vital for effective communication. Understanding articulation is especially important for parents of young kids with special needs, fathers of older children with developmental delays, special education teachers, new speech-language pathologists, and autistic adults. In speech-language pathology, assessing articulation skills is essential for diagnosing speech disorders and creating personalized treatment plans. Children with articulation difficulties may need therapy to improve their speech production. Speech therapy involves exercises to strengthen speech muscles and practice sounds in various contexts. With appropriate intervention, many children with articulation difficulties can make significant progress and enhance their communication skills.

Video Explanation


Real World Example of Articulation

Meet Susie, a vibrant and imaginative young girl with a passion for storytelling. However, Susie encounters difficulties in expressing herself clearly due to her articulation challenges. Let’s follow Susie on a captivating journey of self-improvement:

  • The Discovery: One day, Susie stumbled upon an intriguing book in her attic. As she delved into its pages, she discovered a world brimming with adventure and wonder.
  • Communication Hurdles: Excited to share her newfound tales, Susie realized her unclear speech posed obstacles in effectively conveying her stories to others.
  • Unveiling Wisdom: Along her path, Susie encountered a wise owl who shared valuable insights on improving articulation. The owl guided her to a garden where each flower represented a unique speech sound.
  • Embracing the Challenge: Determined to overcome her difficulties, Susie embarked on a quest through the garden, attentively practicing the pronunciation of each sound while collecting newfound confidence.
  • Blossoming Skills: Through perseverance and the guidance of the magical garden, Susie’s articulation skills flourished. Her words became clearer, and her storytelling captivated the hearts of her listeners.
  • Sharing the Magic: Susie’s enhanced articulation brought joy to her friends, family, and even her loyal pet, as they reveled in the enchantment of her tales.
  • A Story Unfolds: Susie’s journey toward improved articulation empowered her to continue weaving captivating stories, transporting her audience to extraordinary realms and encouraging them to embrace their own unique voices.

In this inspiring tale, Susie’s determination to overcome articulation challenges leads her on a transformative quest. May Susie’s story inspire us all to face obstacles head-on, cultivate our communication skills, and share the magic of our stories with the world. Goally, the interactive tablet, offers a range of apps that can help children improve articulation and overall communication skills. With features like digital visual schedules, AAC, and gamified learning, Goally provides a fun and engaging platform for practicing clear speech.

How Does Articulation Work?

Articulation is the process of producing clear speech sounds. It involves the coordination of various speech muscles to create accurate and distinct sounds. Here are some examples and key points about how articulation works:

  • Coordination: Articulation requires precise coordination between the lips, tongue, jaw, and other speech muscles.
  • Speech Sound Production: It involves the ability to produce specific sounds of a given language, such as “p,” “t,” or “s.”
  • Speech Development: Articulation is a fundamental aspect of speech development and plays a vital role in effective communication.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment: Assessing articulation skills is critical in speech-language pathology to diagnose speech disorders and develop tailored treatment plans.
  • Speech Therapy: Children with articulation difficulties may undergo speech therapy to improve their ability to produce sounds accurately.
  • Exercises: Therapy often includes exercises to strengthen and coordinate the muscles involved in speech production.
  • Practice: Children practice producing sounds in isolation, words, and sentences to enhance their articulation skills.

In conclusion, articulation is the physical ability to produce clear speech sounds, which is essential for effective communication. Diagnosing and addressing articulation difficulties through therapy and exercises can significantly improve a person’s speech production skills.



This post was originally published on April 8, 2023. It was updated on June 21, 2023.