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Unboxing Mightier Emotional Regulation Tablet | App Review

mightier, an image of a man holding a phone that is connected to the mightier app.

As caregivers to neurodivergent kids, we’re constantly on the hunt for tools that can simplify our lives and, more importantly, enrich our kids’ lives. Today, we’re turning our attention to the Mightier system. This gaming platform has been crafted with kids with thinking and learning differences in mind, aiming to help them manage their emotions. In this review, we’ll walk you through all the ins and outs of Mightier, from the moment you unbox it to its setup, Cost, and how it compares to Goally.

First Impressions: Unboxing the Mightier System

When you first open the Mightier box, you’ll find a collection of items. These include:

  • Mightier tablet
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Ball
  • One Deck of cards
  • Instruction manual
  • Charger for the tablet and heart rate monitor
  • Silicone case for the mightier tablet

Each component has been carefully selected to enhance your child’s engagement and learning experience. A standout feature is the resilient silicone case. It’s custom-fitted for the tablet and crafted in a way that makes it difficult for kids to take off. This design reduces concerns about unintentional slips or spills. The tablet, an Android by Mightier, bears the company’s logo on its back, making it a tad more personal. It transforms the device into a special personal tech kit for your child.

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

Investing in Mightier: Let’s Talk Cost

Before we proceed, let’s address the elephant in the room: the Cost. Mightier is a large investment. However, the pricing structure is designed to reward commitment. For instance, while the monthly Cost is $40, an annual subscription is $360. That’s a saving of $120 over a year.

It’s essential to weigh up this Cost against the potential benefits for your child. If Mightier can provide the emotional regulation support your child needs, it could be a price worth paying. But, of course, every family’s budget is different.

Getting Started: The Mightier Setup Process

Setting up Mightier does require a bit of time and patience. You’ll need to set aside about 30 minutes for updates, setting up an Android account, and downloading the mightier app. The mightier app is required on the tablet and your phone, so make sure you have space available.

During setup, you’ll also complete a fairly extensive survey about your child. While this might seem like a chore, it’s a crucial step. This information helps tailor the Mightier experience to your child’s needs, making the games more effective and engaging.

Read more: Understanding ADHD and Emotional Regulation

Goally vs Mightier: A Comparison

While Mightier has much to offer, it’s not the only tool for neurodivergent kids. Goally is another option that deserves consideration. Goally offers practical ways to help kids stay on track and even functions as an AAC talker. This provides a broader range of support for neurodivergent kids.

mightier, mightier reviews, mightier app,mightier tablet, mightier app reviews
A blue Goally device shows the home screen of the device and all the apps.

"Within a week of using Goally's CoPilot with visual schedules, reminders, and Mood Tuner, our daughter was going through her schedule with ease and very few meltdowns!" — Goally Mom
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So, how do you choose between Mightier and Goally? It really comes down to your child’s needs. Mightier could be a great fit if your child could benefit from a fun, engaging way to learn emotional regulation skills. But suppose you’re looking for a more comprehensive tool to help with daily routines and communication. In that case, Goally might be the better choice.

The Heart of Mightier: Its Two Main Components

Mightier is built around two main components:

  • In ‘Explore a World’, your child takes control of a character that collects lavalings and accumulates ice by staying cool. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn about emotional regulation.
  • The ‘Games’ section offers a variety of games suitable for a wide age range. What’s unique about these games is their response to your child’s heart rate. As your child’s heart rate increases, the game prompts them to take deep breaths until they can play again. It’s a clever way to teach kids about the connection between their emotions and physical responses.

Mightier’s Pros and Cons: A Quick Glance

Engaging and fun with stories and physical componentsMonthly cost of $40 or annual cost of $360 could be prohibitive for some families
Relaxing and calming musicfocuses primarily on emotional regulation
Focuses on emotional regulation, a crucial skill for kids with thinking and learning differences

Goally | 100+ Streaming Video Classes

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

Final Thoughts: Is Mightier Worth It?

So, is Mightier worth the investment? It certainly has a lot to offer. It’s engaging, calming, and focuses on a crucial skill: emotional regulation. But, the price point may be a hurdle for some families. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your child’s needs and your budget. Remember, there are other options out there, like Goally, that may offer a more comprehensive solution. Whatever you choose, the most important thing is finding a tool that supports your child’s unique needs and helps them thrive.

This post was originally published on 08/21/2023. It was updated on 12/27/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.