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How to Answer the Phone Politely

Your child’s first phone call – what a milestone! The moment is both thrilling and a tad overwhelming. After all, teaching kids to answer the phone is not just about saying “hello” but so much more. It equips them with phone etiquette, a life skill that lays the foundation for future interactions. In this blog post, we’ll break down the process into manageable steps, aided by Goally’s Goal Mine class, perfect for kids to learn independently.

Step 1Understanding the Phone’s Purpose
Step 2Recognizing an Incoming Call
Step 3Answering the Call
Step 4Speaker’s Identification
Step 5Expressing Concern Appropriately
Step 6Taking a Message
Step 7Ending the Call
Step 8Post Call Action

Step 1: Understanding the Phone’s Purpose

Before kids start answering calls, it’s crucial to help them comprehend that a phone isn’t just a gaming gadget. It’s a tool for communication. Teach them about incoming and outgoing calls to clarify precisely what happens when the phone rings.

Step 2: Recognizing an Incoming Call

Songs or vibrations indicate a call. Familiarize your kids with these signals and teach them to swiftly assess the caller ID – a family member, a known person, or an unknown number.

Step 3: Answering the Call

Teach them to say “Hello” confidently and clearly. This basic greeting comes in handy in all face-to-face or over-the-phone interactions. Stress the importance of being polite and respectful – which can sometimes include simply not answering the phone if the caller is not recognized.

Step 4: Speaker’s Identification

Reinforce the importance of asking “Who’s speaking, please?” if the caller doesn’t introduce themselves. It’s not just sensible phone etiquette but also a safety measure, instructing them to be cautious of ill-intended callers.

How to answer the phone. A young girl holds a smart phone.
Read more: Teach Your Kid to Make a Phone Call Using a Smart Phone

Step 5: Expressing Concern Appropriately

If the person for whom the call is intended isn’t available, teach your kids to politely say, “I’m sorry. They aren’t available right now. Can I take a message?” This teaches them discretion and also emphasizes the importance of responsibility.

Step 6: Taking a Message

Equip kids with the skill of note-taking. It’s essential when they deliver messages, and this responsibility encourages them to stay attentive throughout the call.

Step 7: Ending the Call

Concluding a call on a pleasant note is as significant as starting it. Instill the polite and effective phrase – “Goodbye, and thank you for calling” – that neatly wraps up the conversation.

Step 8: Post Call Action

After disconnecting the call, kids should convey the message, if any, to the intended recipient promptly and accurately. It emphasizes accountability and information handling.

Goally | 100+ Streaming Video Classes

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

Teaching your kids how to answer the phone helps them develop necessary communication skills in today’s digital age. Start practicing these simple steps at home, turning this daunting task into an engaging learning experience. For detailed assistance, your kids can watch the first step in action from our fascinating Goal Mine video class embedded in this blog.

And guess what? There’s more! Our Goally tablet offers a complete set of these enlightening videos. They break down complex concepts into understandable bits, ensuring nuanced and enjoyable learning. So, why wait? Instead, let’s empower our kids, one phone call at a time!

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Answer the Phone

1. What is the best way to teach a child how to answer the phone?
Break down the process into simple steps, such as recognizing incoming calls, answering politely, and asking for identification. 

2. How can the Goally tablet help kids learn how to answer the phone?
Goally's video classes teach kids phone etiquette using engaging step-by-step instructions and interactive practice, enhancing their learning process. 

3. What skills can a child develop while learning how to answer the phone? 
Besides phone etiquette, kids develop communication, responsibility, and note-taking skills, which are vital for their growth. 

4. Are there any resources to help children learn how to answer the phone independently?
Yes, Goally's video classes are a great tool for children to learn independently, offering engaging lessons on answering the phone and more.

5. What steps are involved in teaching a child how to answer the phone? 
Steps include understanding the phone's purpose, recognizing a call, greeting, identifying the speaker, expressing concern, taking messages, and ending the call respectfully.
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