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ADHD Chore Chart | Free Printable

chore charts. a girl is helping to do the dishes with her mom.

As a parent, we all know how difficult it can be to get our kids to complete their chores. When it comes to children with ADHD, it can be especially challenging. Children with ADHD struggle with executive function, which makes it hard for them to plan, organize, and complete tasks. This is why implementing a chore chart can be an excellent visual aid to help children with ADHD stay focused, prioritize tasks, and complete their chores.

What Is a Chore Chart?

A chore chart is a tool that parents use to track and organize their child’s chores. The chart can be as simple or as elaborate as you want, but the primary goal is to be a visual representation of the tasks that your kiddo needs to complete. You can break the chart down by day, week, or month and assign each task a point value or reward.

Why Are Charts Useful for Kids With ADHD?

Children with ADHD often struggle with organization and staying focused on a task. A chore chart provides a visual aid that can help them stay organized and prioritize their tasks. By breaking down the chores into manageable steps, children with ADHD can focus on one task at a time, which can help them feel less overwhelmed.

Chore charts can also be a great motivator. Children with ADHD often thrive on structure and schedules, and the chore chart can provide both. By assigning a point value or reward for each task, children with ADHD have the incentive to complete their chores. The reward can be something as simple as extra screen time or a special treat.

chore chart. a mom and daughter are folding laundry together while sitting on the couch.
Read more: Getting Kids Chores Done With Goally

Using Chore Charts

Implementing a chore chart for a child with ADHD can be a fun and creative activity. Here are some tips for helping you start:

  1. Keep it Simple – A chore chart should be easy to understand and follow. Use simple language and make sure the tasks are age-appropriate.
  2. Be Specific – Break down the chores into specific steps. For example, instead of saying, “Clean your room,” break it down into smaller tasks such as “Make your bed,” “Pick up your toys,” and “Put away your clothes.”
  3. Use Visual Aids – Use pictures or symbols to represent each task. This can help children with ADHD who struggle with reading or understanding written instructions.
  4. Assign Point Values or Rewards – Assign a point value or reward for each task. This will provide an incentive for your child to complete their chores.
  5. Be Consistent – Use the chore chart consistently and regularly. Add it to your daily routine.

Goally | Apps That Help Your Kiddos With Their Chores

Want to keep your child motivated while doing their chores? Goally’s skill-building tablet & suite of therapy apps are designed to celebrate small wins and help your child grow.

Our Rewards app gives kids points for completing daily routines and following “The Rules” on Goally. These points can be redeemed for exciting rewards or time in Goally’s game center. It’s a fun way to reinforce positive behavior and keep them motivated to learn new skills!

Our Behavior Tracker helps you reward your kiddo for specific skills, like “being kind” or “flushing the toilet.”

By setting clear expectations and rewarding their efforts, you foster a positive environment for your child to flourish in their behavioral skills journey.

goally's behavior app chart for kids view on behavior list

Give Goally a try on any Android, iOS, or Amazon device for as low as $15. Or, choose our distraction-free device (which ONLY has Goally on it) for $149 if you don’t want your kiddo sneaking onto Youtube every few minutes… 😉

Using a chore chart for a child with ADHD can be an excellent way to provide structure, organization, and motivation. By breaking down chores into specific tasks, using visual aids, and assigning point values or rewards, children with ADHD can stay focused, prioritize tasks, and feel a sense of accomplishment once they complete their chores. Remember to keep it simple, be specific, and use consistency to help your child succeed.

This post was originally published on 03/02/2023. It was updated on 09/21/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.