Parent Press

a Goally Publication



Autism Diagnosis Checklist: Experts Reveal Crucial Indicators Every Parent Should Know

May 8, 2024

3 min read

autism diagnosis checklist

Exciting news for parents everywhere! A new autism diagnosis checklist is now available to help you understand your child’s unique needs. Did you know that 1 in 54 children in the United States is diagnosed with autism? This groundbreaking tool breaks down the key signs and symptoms to watch for, making it easier than ever to support your child’s growth and development.

1. Social Interaction Difficulties

Firstly, one of the most common signs of autism is difficulty with social interactions. Keep an eye out for these behaviors:

  • Struggling to make eye contact
  • Difficulty understanding facial expressions and body language
  • Challenges in forming friendships
  • Preferring to play alone

Moreover, it’s essential to remember that every child is different, and some may display more subtle signs of social interaction difficulties. In these cases, using tools like Goally can help you track your child’s progress and provide personalized support.

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Goally’s tablet has some of the top language learning games & apps that help kids learn their first 50 words, practice finger dexterity & fine motor skills, AND communicate with AAC.

2. Communication Challenges

Communication is another crucial aspect of the autism diagnosis checklist. Kids with autism may exhibit the following:

  • Delayed speech development
  • Difficulty understanding or using gestures
  • Repeating words or phrases (echolalia)
  • Limited vocabulary or using unusual words

To further understand your child’s communication challenges, consider the following:

AgeExpected Communication Milestones
12 monthsBabbling, using gestures, and responding to simple requests
24 monthsUsing two-word phrases, following simple instructions, and identifying familiar objects
36 monthsSpeaking in complete sentences, asking questions, and engaging in conversation

If your kid is not meeting these milestones, it may be time to consult a professional for further evaluation.

autism diagnosis checklist. two parents hold their daughter while sitting on the floor.
Read more: Printable Child Behavior Checklists

3. Repetitive Behaviors

Repetitive behaviors are a key indicator of autism. Watch for:

  • Hand flapping, rocking, or spinning
  • Obsessive interests in specific topics or objects
  • Adherence to routines and resistance to change
  • Sensitivity to sensory stimuli (e.g., textures, sounds, smells)

In addition to these behaviors, it’s important to note that some kids may develop unique rituals or routines that provide comfort and predictability. Goally can be a valuable tool in helping your child establish and maintain healthy routines.

4. Cognitive and Learning Differences

Kids with autism may display unique cognitive and learning differences, such as:

  • Difficulty with problem-solving and abstract thinking
  • Challenges in understanding social cues and expectations
  • Uneven skill development (e.g., excelling in one area while struggling in another)
Read More: Learning Differences in Kids
autism diagnosis checklist.  a young girl hugs her dad.
Read more: Autism Behavior Checklist

It’s essential to support your child’s learning by providing a structured environment and using tools like Goally to help them stay on track with their goals.

5. Emotional Regulation Issues

Emotional regulation can be a challenge for neurodivergent kids. Be aware of the following:

  • Frequent meltdowns or tantrums
  • Difficulty expressing emotions appropriately
  • Struggling to understand others’ emotions

To help your child with emotional regulation, consider implementing strategies such as:

  • Creating a calm and predictable environment
  • Teaching coping skills and relaxation techniques
  • Providing visual supports to help them understand emotions

6. Seek Professional Help

Lastly, if you notice several items from this autism diagnosis checklist in your child, it’s essential to consult a professional for further evaluation. Early intervention can make a significant difference in your child’s development and quality of life.

Goally is a valuable resource for clinicians who are looking for ways to support children with speech and language problems.

  • Individualized Instruction. Goally can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of each child supporting the skills that they need most, at each child’s own pace.
  • Increased Engagement. Goally is a fun and interactive tool that can help children stay engaged while learning.
  • Improved Communication. Goally helps children learn to effectively communicate wants and needs, and allows children to participate in the world around them.
  • Bonus: Goally’s Core Word Lessons teaches kids their first 50 words through video modeling and interactive practice.

Goally’s distraction-free kid’s tablet can be used as a therapy tool to help teach executive functionlanguage, emotional regulation, finger dexterity skills, and more!

In short, this checklist of autism symptoms is a helpful starting point for parents seeking to understand their child’s unique needs. By paying attention to social interactions, communication, repetitive behaviors, cognitive differences, and emotional regulation, you can better support your child’s growth and development. Remember, every child is different, and it’s essential to consult a professional for a comprehensive evaluation. With the right support and tools like Goally, your neurodivergent child can thrive and reach their full potential.

This post was originally published on 06/02/2023. It was updated on 05/08/2024.

Article by

Emily is a seasoned blog writer for Goally, leveraging her extensive background in child psychology and special education to provide valuable insights and resources for parents. Her commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of these children, combined with her expertise in educational strategies, makes her a credible and empathetic voice for families.