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Daily Routine App

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Consider a daily routine app as your digital helper. It’s an app that keeps track of daily tasks for your kid. Morning routines, meal times, study hours, bedtime – it covers everything, helping your kid follow a predictable and stress-free rhythm each day.

Frequently Asked Question


What is a daily routine app?

A daily routine app, like Goally, is a digital tool designed to help kids follow a structured schedule and complete tasks independently.

How does a daily routine app work?

Parents or caregivers add routines into the app, it then sends reminders to the child to carry out these activities, keeping their day structured and predictable.

Who will benefit most from using a daily routine app?

While a daily routine app can be beneficial for all children, it is particularly useful for kids with special needs who thrive on routine, such as those with ADHD, autism, or Down Syndrome.

What are the key features of a daily routine app?

These apps offer customizable schedules, activity tracking, progress monitoring, and a reward system to motivate kids to complete their daily tasks.

Scientific Definition


A daily routine app is software designed to assist in structuring and managing an individual’s daily activities. Varied in function, these apps cater to diverse needs but focus chiefly on enhancing efficiency, predictability, and time management. Particularly beneficial for kids with special needs, daily routine apps can significantly improve their quality of life by fostering routine consistency and reducing anxiety associated with unpredictable schedules. According to a study from the University of Florida, routine structure can enhance adaptability and functioning in children with developmental disabilities, underlining the potential value of such apps.

Video Explanation


A Real Life Example of a Daily Routine App

Here’s a glimpse of how the daily routine app influences the life of a child like Lexie:

Lexie, a bright and energetic 8-year-old, grapples with ADHD. Her parents rolled up their sleeves and introduced a daily routine app into Lexie’s life. Here’s how it unfolded:

  • Morning Routine – Lexie wakes to an app-scheduled alarm, gets up, brushes her teeth, and gets dressed, following the app’s prompts.
  • Breakfast and Study Time – Lexie logs meals in the app and then transitions smoothly to her study time, tracked by the app timer.
  • Playtime and Bedtime – Lexie enjoys her playtime after her studies and dinner. Come bedtime, a calming, app-triggered reminder helps her settle in for the night.

Following this system, Lexie’s life has a well-structured routine, and she feels at ease with predictable patterns. It’s like having a friendly, digital nanny helping Lexie to have a productive day while providing an endearing sense of self-accomplishment. There’s no magical wand here, but a daily routine app, like Goally, brings simplicity and empowerment into children’s everyday activities like Lexie.
Here is an example of a daily routine:

Time Activity
7:00 AM Wake up & Freshen up
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM School Time
12:00 PM Lunch Break
1:00 PM Outdoor Playtime
6:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Bedtime Story
9:00 PM Bedtime

How a Daily Routine App is Used

A daily routine app like Goally has a user-friendly interface and simple steps to actually work. They can be tailored to fit each child’s unique needs and challenges. But how does it look in real life? Let’s see:

  • Creating Routines: Parents fill in daily activities, create routines, and set timer reminders.
  • Timely Reminders: Kids are prompted for every activity, from brushing their teeth to bedtimes.
  • Rewards System: Kids earn points for completing tasks. These points can be exchanged for rewards, providing an incentive.
  • Monitor Progress: Parents can track their kid’s progress and celebrate their victories, big and small.

In effect, Goally turns into your child’s personal task manager, counselor, and cheerleader all packed in one. It brings structure, simplicity, and a splash of fun into everyday tasks that can sometimes feel daunting for kids with special needs. With positivity and persistence, a daily routine app can be a true game-changer in your child’s life journey.