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Free Printable ADHD Routine Chart

If you’re a parent of a kiddo with ADHD, you’re probably familiar with the challenges that come with it. ADHD can make it difficult for children to stay focused, organized, and complete tasks. As a result, it can be overwhelming for parents to manage their child’s behavior and ensure they meet their daily responsibilities. One tool that can be extremely helpful for children with ADHD is a routine chart. Download our free printable ADHD routine charts below! Routine charts are visual aids that help children understand what they need to do each day and when they need to do it. They can be especially helpful for children with ADHD who struggle with organization and structure.

Read more: Following Directions Worksheet | Free Printables

Benefits of Using Free Printable Routine Charts for Kids With ADHD

Visual Aids

Children with ADHD often have trouble processing verbal instructions, and it can be difficult for them to remember everything they need to do. Routine charts provide a visual aid that makes it easier for them to understand what they need to do each day. You can customize charts with pictures or symbols to help children understand each task.

Customize visual schedules that teach kids independence. No more nagging, no more stress.

More Structure

Having a structured routine can be incredibly beneficial for children with ADHD. When children with ADHD have a routine, it can help them feel more organized, reduce anxiety, and minimize frustration. A routine can also help children with ADHD develop good habits and routines, making it easier to stay on track throughout the day. With a structured routine, children with ADHD can better manage their time, prioritize their activities, and avoid distractions. By providing a sense of predictability and stability, a routine can also help children with ADHD feel more confident and in control.


Consistency is key when it comes to managing ADHD symptoms. Routine charts help parents establish a consistent routine for their children. When children know what to expect each day, it can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm.

ADHD Routine Charts Instill Independence

When children have a routine chart, they can refer to it throughout the day to make sure they are on track. This increases their sense of independence and helps them take ownership of their responsibilities. It can also reduce the need for parents to constantly remind their child of what they need to do, freeing up time and reducing stress.

a mother who uses adhd routine charts with her daughter to help her stay focused on what she needs to accomplish free printable adhd routine chart
Read more: Video Modeling for Neurodivergent Kids

Builds Confidence

When children with ADHD have a routine chart, they are more likely to complete tasks successfully. This can increase their confidence and self-esteem, which is important for kids with ADHD who often struggle with feelings of frustration and failure.

Routine charts can be a valuable tool for parents of children with ADHD. They provide structure, consistency, and visual aids to help children manage their day and tasks more effectively. By using routine charts, parents can help their children feel more in control of their responsibilities and reduce stress and anxiety for the whole family.

Goally device on a visual schedule chore chart routine for kids. chore chart for kids user interface. free printable adhd routine chart

Goally | Routines that Actually Work

Goally’s skill building tablet for kids has routines that break down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

A notification from the Goally Parent App on the best tablet for kids indicating the start of a potty routine, demonstrating parental control features.

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning. See it in action:

Tips for Using Routine Charts for Kids With ADHD

  1. Involve your child in the process: Let your child help you create the routine chart. This gives them a sense of ownership, hopefully making them more likely to use it. Ask them to help choose the pictures or symbols you’ll use, and tailor the chart to their needs and interests.
  2. Make it visible: Hang the routine chart in a prominent place where your child can see it throughout the day. This will make it easy for kids to refer to it and stay on track.
  3. Be consistent: Use the routine chart consistently every day. This will help establish a routine and make it easier for your child to remember what to do.
  4. Keep it simple: Make sure the routine chart is easy to understand and follow. Use simple language and clear pictures or symbols. Avoid overwhelming your child with too much information.
  5. Celebrate successes: Celebrate your child’s success when completing a task on the routine chart. This will help build their confidence and reinforce positive behaviors.

This post was originally published on 02/28/2023. It was updated on 06/19/2023. 

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.