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Why Do Autistic Kids Like Routines & Schedules?

You may have heard the saying, “autistic kids like schedules,” and wondered why that’s the case. Imagine a conductor leading an orchestra to create beautiful music. That’s what a good routine can do for the daily lives of neurodivergent kids and their families. In this blog post, you’ll learn why routines are essential for kids with thinking and learning differences. We’ll also share some helpful tips on creating a schedule that makes life more enjoyable.

The Wonderful World of Schedules

Familiarity Makes Them Feel Safe

What do autistic kids like when it comes to daily life? Consistency and structure are key. Many autistic children experience anxiety and stress, and having a regular routine helps alleviate those feelings by providing them with a clear plan. When they know what’s coming and at what time, they can worry less about the unknown. Autistic kids like schedules because they provide a sense of stability, and being able to smoothly transition from one activity to the next boosts their confidence to face the day positively.

BenefitWhy Autistic Kids Like It
ConsistencyKnowing what to expect reduces anxiety and stress, providing a sense of comfort.
StructureHelps with planning and understanding the sequence of events, leading to smoother transitions between activities.
Clear PlanHaving a visible and organized schedule minimizes confusion and worry about the unknown.
Confidence BoosterBeing comfortable with their routine empowers them to face the day with a positive attitude.

Keep Calm and Carry on With Routines

What do autistic kids like when it comes to daily life? Consistency and structure are key. Many autistic children experience anxiety and stress, and having a regular routine helps alleviate those feelings by providing them with a clear plan. When they know what’s coming and at what time, they can worry less about the unknown. Autistic kids like schedules because they provide a sense of stability, and being able to smoothly transition from one activity to the next boosts their confidence to face the day positively.

Autistic kids like schedules such as this one on the table being drawn with a blue marker by a happy child.

Crafting The Perfect Schedule

Team Up With Your Child

When figuring out “what do autistic kids like”, it’s important to note that autistic kids like schedules. Creating the perfect schedule for your child can enhance their day-to-day routine. To start, involve them in the process by discussing their likes, dislikes, and goals. This way, you’ll collaboratively establish a schedule that is tailored to their preferences and needs.

Remember to:

  • Talk about their interests and incorporate them into the schedule.
  • Listen to their concerns, so you can address any potential issues.
  • Include their favorite activities as this will increase their engagement.

By actively including your child in the planning, you contribute to making their lives easier and more enjoyable. A schedule designed with their input creates an environment where they can thrive. For parents and caregivers using Goally, incorporating these tips ensures that the tablet and app will provide the best possible support for your special kid’s unique requirements.

Customize visual schedules that teach kids independence. No more nagging, no more stress.

Make It Fun and Easy to Follow

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is especially true for kids with thinking and learning differences. Use bright colors, images, and symbols to make the schedule fun and easy to understand. Try a digital tool like Goally’s learning tablet to create an interactive and eye-catching schedule.

  • Use colorful visuals
  • Keep it simple and clear
  • Create a sense of excitement
Autistic kids like schedules like this one which includes many colors and helps to visualize a set routine.

Embrace changes and grow together

Stay Flexible and Adapt

Even though routines are essential, it’s wise to be flexible when needed. Be open to making changes, and keep talking to your child about how the schedule works for them. Adjusting the routine when necessary shows your child that you’re listening and their happiness is a priority.

Read More: How To Create an Autism Daily Routine

Learn and Evolve

As your child grows, their needs and interests may change. Keep an open mind and update the schedule to match their development. This flexibility will ensure your child stays engaged and motivated to follow their routine.

Autistic kids like schedules such as the schedule seen here in this classroom with students working.

Harness the power of technology

Build The Ideal Schedule With Goally

Goally’s learning tablet is designed for neurodivergent kids, with special apps and tools that fit their unique needs. The schedule builder lets you create a custom schedule perfect for your child. Add tasks, set times, and even create reminders to help them stay on track.

Make It a Game They’ll Love

The learning tablet offers visual and sound cues to help your child follow their schedule. Plus, it also includes fun games and rewards to keep them engaged. Making scheduling a positive experience will make them more likely to stick to their routine.

  • Visual and sound cues guide them
  • Fun games motivate progress
  • Rewards reinforce good habits

Goally | Apps To Structure Your Kiddo’s Routine

Does your child struggle with transitions or staying on task? Goally’s visual schedule app breaks down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning.

Celebrate The Joys Of a Well-Planned Life

You’ll unlock the secret to a happier and more organized family life by understanding why autistic kids like schedules. Creating a routine that works for everyone will impact your child’s well-being and growth. With the right tools and teamwork, you’ll create a rhythm that improves every day. So, let’s embrace the power of predictability and witness the remarkable transformation it brings to our lives.

FAQs About Why Autistic Kids Like Schedules

Why do autistic kids like schedules?
Autistic kids like schedules because they provide predictability, structure, and reduce anxiety, making it easier for them to navigate daily activities and routines.

How can visual schedules help autistic children?
Visual schedules help autistic children by offering a clear, easy-to-understand representation of their daily routine, which supports smoother transitions between activities and fosters independence.

What are some benefits of emotional regulation apps for autistic kids?
Emotional regulation apps can help autistic kids recognize and manage their emotions, practice coping strategies, and improve social interactions.

How do rewards systems benefit autistic children?
Rewards systems can motivate autistic children to engage in positive behaviors, develop new skills, and build self-esteem by reinforcing their achievements.

How can I create an effective schedule for my autistic child?
Start by identifying your child's preferences and needs, maintain a consistent routine, incorporate visual aids, and allow for flexibility and personalization to create an effective schedule that suits your child.

This post was originally published on April 13, 2023. It was updated on July 27, 2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.