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Teach Kids How to Hug

As a parent, teaching your kids about emotional expression is just as important as teaching them how to tie their shoes or make their bed. One of the most basic yet profound ways to express love, comfort, and support is through a hug. But how do you teach your kids the right way to hug? Our Goal Mine class video, embedded in this blog, provides a fun and interactive way for kids to learn this skill. But for now, let’s walk through the steps together.

Step 1: What is Personal Space?Teach kids about the invisible boundary around each person, which varies from person to person. It’s important to respect this space and ask for permission before hugging someone.
Step 2: What is The Right Time for a Hug?Teach kids to recognize emotional cues that signal when a hug might be welcome. However, they should always ask, “Can I give you a hug?” before doing so.
Step 3: How to HugTeach kids to approach the person they want to hug with open arms, wrap their arms around the other person in a gentle embrace, and let go when the other person starts to pull away.

Step 1: What is Personal Space?

Before we delve into the mechanics, it’s crucial to understand the concept of personal space. This invisible boundary around us varies from person to person and is essential for comfort and respect. Teaching your kids about personal space will help them understand when it’s appropriate to give a hug and when it’s not.

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A young child demonstrates brushing teeth on the best tablet for kids by Goally, highlighting a kid-friendly interface.

For instance, it’s okay to hug close family members and friends, but it might not be suitable to hug a stranger or someone they’ve just met. Encourage your kids to ask for permission before hugging someone, ensuring they respect the other person’s personal space.

Step 2: What is The Right Time for a Hug?

Timing is everything. A well-timed embrace can provide comfort during distress or joy in celebration. Teach your kids to recognize emotional cues that signal when a hug might be welcome. For example, suppose a friend is upset, or a family member is celebrating a victory. In that case, a hug can be a great way to express empathy or share in their happiness.

how to hug. a boy is hugging his mom while she sits on the couch with a baby.
Read more: When is It Okay to Hug?

However, it’s also important to teach them that not everyone may want a hug, even in these situations. Always asking, “Can I give you a hug?” is a good practice to instill in your kids.

Step 3: How to Hug

Now that we’ve covered the when and where let’s move on to the how. Hugging may seem simple, but ensuring it’s done comfortably for both parties involved is important.

Teach your kids to approach the person they want to hug with open arms. They should gently wrap their arms around the other person, careful not to squeeze too hard. The hug should last a few seconds but not too long. It’s important to let go when the other person starts to pull away. This shows respect for the other person’s comfort and personal space.

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Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

Teaching your kids how to hug is more than just showing them how to wrap their arms around someone. It’s about teaching them respect for personal space, understanding emotional cues, and expressing their feelings healthily and positively. These lessons will serve them well beyond the simple act of hugging. For a more interactive learning experience, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet. It unlocks the rest of our video lessons that teach “how to hug” and many other essential life skills. The embedded YouTube video in this blog only covers step #1, but there’s so much more to learn. So, why not give it a try?

FAQ’s About How to Hug

What is Goally's approach to teaching kids how to hug?
Goally uses task analysis to break down "how to hug" into simple, manageable steps, making it easy for kids to learn and practice.

How does Goally help kids understand personal space when learning how to hug?
Goally's video classes emphasize the importance of personal space, teaching kids to respect it and ask for permission before hugging.

Can Goally help my child understand the right time for a hug?
Yes, Goally's classes teach kids to recognize emotional cues, helping them understand when a hug might be welcome.

How does Goally teach the actual act of hugging?
Goally's video classes guide kids through the process of hugging, from approaching with open arms to releasing the hug respectfully.

Can Goally's how to hug lessons be applied to other life skills?
Yes, the lessons about personal space and emotional cues in Goally's "how to hug" classes can be applied to many other social interactions.
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