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What is Visual-Spatial Processing ?

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Okay, here’s the simple scoop: Visual-spatial processing is how our brain figures out what we see and where things are. Think of it like this: when you’re looking for your favorite toy in a messy room, your brain helps you spot it and know how far away it is. It’s like our brain’s super cool GPS system!

Frequently Asked Question


What is visual-spatial processing?

Visual-spatial processing is the brain’s ability to interpret and understand visual information and the spatial relationships of objects around us.

How does visual-spatial processing impact learning?

It plays a key role in activities like reading maps, understanding diagrams, and estimating distances, making it crucial for academic and life skills.

Can visual-spatial processing be improved in kids?

Yes, with tools like visual schedules and gamified learning apps, children can enhance their visual-spatial abilities over time.

How do emotional regulation apps relate to visual-spatial processing?

While primarily focused on emotions, these apps often employ visual-spatial elements, helping kids connect emotional understanding with visual cues.

Scientific Definition


Visual-spatial processing refers to the brain’s capability to interpret and use visual information from the environment, particularly in relation to the spatial relationships between objects. This cognitive function allows individuals to judge distances, comprehend shapes, sizes, and their relative positions, and integrate visual information with motor skills. In essence, it’s the brain’s way of visualizing and navigating the spatial world around us.

A Real World Example of Visual-Spatial Processing

On a sunny day, 8-year-old Susie hit the park, her playground of wonders.

  • Picnic Time: Susie spread out her blanket, making sure there was enough space for all her snacks. Visual-spatial win #1.
  • Swing Sets: Watching her friends, she patiently waited her turn, judging the swing’s speed before hopping on. Visual-spatial win #2.
  • Building Sandcastles: In the sandbox, she mapped out a spot for her castle, estimating how tall she could build before it toppled. Visual-spatial win #3.
  • Kite Flying: Susie launched her kite, gauging the string’s length and wind direction. Up, up, and away! Visual-spatial win #4.

The park wasn’t just a place to play for Susie; it was her arena to master the world around her. Who knew a day in the sun could be so illuminating? Wink!

How Does Visual-Spatial Processing Work?

Visual-spatial processing is all about how our brain understands what we see and their positions. Here are some nifty examples to shed light on it:

  • Jigsaw Puzzles: Your brain figures out where each piece goes.
  • Parking a Car: Judging the space and fitting it in without bumps.
  • Catching a Ball: Estimating where it’ll land and grabbing it.
  • Reading Maps: Understanding routes and directions to reach a destination.
  • Building Blocks: Stacking them without toppling, understanding balance.

In a nutshell, it’s like our brain’s magic tool for ‘seeing’ and ‘placing’. Makes life a tad more adventurous, right?


Our handy tablet, Goally, is packed with fun apps that can give your kiddo a boost in visual-spatial skills. From gamified learning to visual schedules, it’s like having a mini-coach for life & language skills right at their fingertips. Plus, there’s a sprinkle of emotional regulation and daily routines to spice things up! Goally’s got your back.