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What is Self Determination Theory?

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Self-determination theory is like a guide to what makes people tick. It’s all about what drives us to do things and how our surroundings help or hinder our growth.

Frequently Asked Question


How does self-determination theory relate to kids?

SDT focuses on kids’ innate needs for autonomy, competence, and connection, highlighting how these drive their behavior and learning.

How can parents apply self-determination theory at home?

Parents can offer choices, celebrate small achievements, and foster social connections, using tools like digital apps to reinforce these principles.

Are there apps that support self-determination theory principles?

Yes, apps like Goally offer features such as visual schedules, emotional learning, and skills training that align with SDT principles for children’s growth.

Scientific Definition


Self-determination theory (SDT) is a psychological framework that seeks to understand the inherent human motivations and the social environments that can foster or hinder individuals’ innate tendencies toward growth, development, and self-realization. Rooted in decades of research, it emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in optimizing mental well-being and personal fulfillment.

Real World Example of Self Determination Theory

Let’s take a spin through Susie’s weekend:

  • Saturday Morning – Autonomy in Action: Susie’s tasked with choosing her outfit for a day out. She beams, picking her favorite polka-dot dress. She’s making a choice, feeling empowered.
  • Afternoon – Competence Comes Alive: She spots a jungle gym at the park. After a few tries, she swings across the monkey bars. She’s building skills and feeling accomplished.
  • Evening – Relatedness Rules: At a family BBQ, Susie shares her toys with her cousin. They laugh, build forts, and bond. She’s connecting, feeling a sense of belonging.

And just like that, without even realizing it, Susie’s day becomes a playground for self-determination theory. Hey, life’s a journey. And with the right approach, it’s one fun ride!

How does Self Determination Theory work?

Let’s unpack how this whole self-determination thing plays out in real life:

  • Autonomy: It’s like letting kids pick their own clothes. They feel in charge.
  • Competence: Picture a child mastering a puzzle. That’s them feeling skilled.
  • Relatedness: It’s all about connection. Think of two pals sharing a toy.

Wrap your head around these, and you’re golden. Remember, it’s not just theory; it’s daily life! Every small step helps. And hey, every little win is a ray of sunshine, right?


Goally is a nifty tablet that isn’t just fun; it’s the real deal for your child’s growth. Dive into apps that build essential life skills and tie back to self-determination. Whether it’s emotional learning or brushing teeth, Goally’s got your back!


This post was originally published on August 14, 2023.