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What Is an Independent Educational Evaluation?

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An independent educational evaluation is a test done by a professional not connected to your child’s school. This evaluation is done to better understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and help plan their future.

Frequently Asked Question


How is an IEE different from a school district evaluation

An IEE is done by a professional who is not connected to the school district, while a school district evaluation is done by district employees.

What does the process of an IEE entail?

The process of an IEE typically involves assessments, observations, and interviews with the child and those close to them, as well as a review of their educational records.

How do I request an independent educational evaluation (IEE)?

To request an IEE, a parent must provide written notice to the school district indicating their intention to have an IEE conducted. The school district must then provide information on the process for obtaining an IEE, including the procedures for selecting an evaluator and the timeline for conducting the evaluation. Parents may also request a copy of the district’s procedures for obtaining an IEE.

Scientific Definition


An independent educational evaluation (IEE) is a special test or assessment done by a professional not connected to your child’s school. This evaluation is done to better understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and to see what kind of help they might need in school. An IEE aims to ensure your child gets the proper support to help them learn and succeed. The professional who does the IEE will look at different things, such as your child’s school work, test scores, and behavior. They might also talk to your child and observe how they learn. After the evaluation, you’ll get a report that explains what they found and what they think your child needs. This information can help you decide about your child’s education and plan for their future.

Real World Example of Independent Education Evaluation

Meet Susie, a curious and determined young girl. Let’s see how an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) made a positive impact on her educational journey:

  • Susie’s Struggles: Susie was having difficulty keeping up with her classmates in reading and writing. Her parents noticed her frustration and decided to seek additional support.
  • Requesting an IEE: Susie’s parents requested an IEE to gain a deeper understanding of her strengths and areas of improvement. They wanted to ensure she received the right resources and assistance.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: An evaluator, chosen by Susie’s parents, conducted a thorough assessment. They analyzed Susie’s schoolwork, observed her in class, and even interviewed her to understand her learning style.
  • Empowering Insights: The evaluation revealed that Susie excelled in visual learning but struggled with phonics. The report recommended personalized reading interventions and assistive technology.
  • Tailored Support: Armed with the evaluation report, Susie’s parents collaborated with her teachers to implement strategies and assistive tools, like Goally’s reading apps and AAC features, to enhance her learning experience.
  • Thriving Progress: With targeted support, Susie’s reading skills improved significantly. She gained confidence and began to actively participate in class activities, making remarkable progress in her academic journey.

An IEE empowered Susie’s parents to make informed decisions and provide her with the tailored support she needed, leading to her growth and success.

How Does an Independent Educational Evaluation Work?

An independent educational evaluation (IEE) is a valuable tool for understanding your child’s educational needs. Here’s how it works:

  • Requesting an IEE: As a parent, you can request an IEE for your child if you have concerns about their academic progress or need further insights beyond the school’s evaluation.
  • Choosing an Evaluator: You have the freedom to select a qualified professional who is not affiliated with your child’s school to conduct the evaluation. It could be a psychologist, speech therapist, or educational specialist.
  • Assessment Process: The evaluator will gather information by reviewing your child’s schoolwork, test scores, and behavior. They may also interview your child and observe their learning style.
  • Evaluation Report: Once the assessment is complete, you’ll receive a detailed report summarizing the findings. It will outline your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and any recommended support or accommodations.
  • Decision-Making: Armed with the evaluation report, you can make informed decisions about your child’s education, such as determining appropriate interventions, services, or individualized education plans (IEPs).

In conclusion, an IEE empowers parents by providing a comprehensive evaluation from an independent expert, helping guide educational decisions to support their child’s success. Goally, our tablet, complements Independent Educational Evaluation by offering interactive apps for kids, including visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and skill-building tools. It enhances learning, organization, and communication in a fun and engaging way.


This post was originally published on Feb. 10, 2023. It was updated on July 8, 2023.