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What Does a Weighted Vest Do?

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A weighted vest is a vest you wear to force your body to exert more energy and get stronger. It has weights inside and comes in different weights and sizes, so you can choose one that is right for you. It can be used for exercises, therapy and to help with sensory processing difficulties.

Frequently Asked Question


Are weighted vests safe for children?

Weighted vests can be safe for children when used properly, with an appropriate weight, and under supervision. However, it is important to consult with a pediatrician or therapist to determine if a weighted vest is appropriate for a specific child and to establish guidelines for its use.


How do I choose the right weight for my weighted vest?

The right weight for your weighted vest will depend on your fitness level, the type of activities you will be doing, and your personal comfort level. It’s generally recommended to start with a light weight and gradually increase as you become more comfortable.


Can I wear a weighted vest all day?

Wearing a weighted vest for extended periods of time can be uncomfortable and may cause fatigue or strain. It’s generally recommended to wear a weighted vest for short periods of time, such as during specific activities or exercises.


Scientific Definition


A weighted vest is a special type of vest that is worn over your clothes. It is filled with small weights that add extra weight to your body. This additional weight makes your body work harder, which can help you get stronger and improve your fitness. Weighted vests come in different weights and sizes, so you can choose one that is right for you. They can be used for various exercises, such as running, jumping, and weightlifting. Weighted vests can also be used for therapy and to help people with sensory processing difficulties. However, using a weighted vest properly and starting with a lightweight is essential, especially if you are new to using one. This will help you avoid injuries and get the most out of your workout.


Video Explanation


Real World Example of Weighted Vest

Meet Susie, an energetic and curious girl who loves outdoor adventures. One day, Susie’s mom introduced her to the idea of a weighted vest that could make her adventures even more exciting. Here’s how the concept unfolded for Susie:

  • Susie eagerly put on her brand new weighted vest, feeling the extra weight on her body.
  • She decided to go for a run in the park, and as she sprinted, she noticed that her muscles were working harder, making her feel stronger and faster.
  • Susie then headed to the playground, where she used her weighted vest to enhance her jumps on the trampoline, reaching higher heights than before.
  • Later, during a playdate, Susie wore her weighted vest while practicing pull-ups, feeling the challenge and thrill of pushing her limits.
  • At home, Susie used her weighted vest during her therapy session, where the deep pressure stimulation helped her feel calm and focused.

Through her adventures, Susie discovered that the weighted vest added a new level of excitement and engagement to her activities, making her feel accomplished and empowered.

How Does a Weighted Vest Work?

Weighted vests work by adding extra weight to your body, increasing the intensity of your workout and engaging more muscles. Here are some examples of how weighted vests can be used effectively:

  • Running: Wearing a weighted vest while running helps improve endurance, speed, and overall cardiovascular fitness.
  • Jumping: Incorporating a weighted vest into your jump training routine increases the difficulty and builds leg strength.
  • Weightlifting: Using a weighted vest during weightlifting exercises, such as squats or lunges, enhances the resistance and challenges your muscles.
  • Calisthenics: Performing bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, or burpees with a weighted vest increases the difficulty and promotes muscle growth.
  • Rehabilitation and therapy: Weighted vests are used in therapeutic settings to provide deep pressure stimulation, aiding in sensory processing difficulties and promoting a sense of calm.

Weighted vests offer a versatile way to intensify workouts and provide therapeutic benefits. Goally’s tablet and apps support kids using weighted vests by offering visual schedules, AAC, gamified learning, and tools for emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills training.


This post was originally published on Feb. 2, 2023. It was updated on July 20, 2023.