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What are Time Management Techniques?

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Time management techniques are ways to help kids with special needs organize and use their time wisely. These methods make it easier for them to do tasks, have fun, and learn new things every day.

Frequently Asked Question


How can visual schedules benefit my child?

Visual schedules, often used in tools like Goally, use images to outline daily activities, helping children understand what’s coming next, reducing anxiety, and promoting smoother transitions.

Are time management techniques one-size-fits-all?

No, techniques can be personalized. Kids may find success with visual cues, timers, or task breakdowns. It’s about finding what works best for their unique strengths and challenges.

How do time management techniques improve independence?

By learning to manage time, children gain skills to plan, prioritize, and accomplish tasks on their own. This boosts confidence and fosters a sense of autonomy.

Can time management techniques help with schoolwork?

Absolutely, techniques like prioritization, task breakdowns, and setting timers can enhance focus and productivity, making homework and learning more efficient and enjoyable.

Scientific Definition


Time management techniques refer to a set of strategies designed to help children with special needs effectively use and structure their time. These strategies aim to enhance their ability to handle daily activities, responsibilities, and learning experiences. By employing these techniques, kids can better balance tasks, routines, and leisure, leading to improved organization and productivity in their lives.

Real World Example of Time Management Techniques

Meet Susie, a spirited child with a love for learning and play. Using time management techniques has transformed her days:

  • Morning Magic: With a digital visual schedule on her Goally tablet, Susie wakes up ready for adventure. Bold pictures guide her through morning routines.
  • Task Triumph: Tackling a big project? Susie’s skill at breaking tasks into steps helps her build a colorful LEGO tower, one block at a time.
  • Timer Fun: Susie sets her Goally’s timer for 20 minutes when playtime starts. The gentle chime reminds her when it’s time to switch to drawing.
  • Priority Power: Homework time! Susie uses a to-do list to prioritize assignments. She finishes math first, feeling accomplished.
  • Play and Pause: With time blocking, Susie dedicates time to reading, drawing, and biking. When the timer dings, it’s time for the next adventure.
  • Reward Delight: Finishing chores early, Susie enjoys extra playtime. Goally’s app lets her pick a favorite game as a reward.

Through these techniques, Susie confidently navigates her day, accomplishing tasks and embracing joy, all while building essential time management skills.

How Do Time Management Techniques Work?

Effective time management techniques are like a toolbox filled with skills that can help kids with special needs make the most of their time. Here are some practical examples:

  • Visual Schedules: Children can follow a daily routine using pictures or symbols, knowing what comes next.
  • Task Breakdown: Complex tasks are divided into smaller steps, making them less overwhelming.
  • Timers and Alarms: Set alarms to signal the beginning and end of activities, aiding transitions.
  • Prioritization: Learn to identify critical tasks and focus on them first.
  • To-Do Lists: Write down tasks and check them off as completed.
  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific times for different activities in a day.
  • Reward Systems: Children can enjoy a favorite activity or treat after completing tasks.

These techniques empower kids to manage their time, reduce stress, and enhance their independence and confidence. Goally, a tablet with interactive apps, empowers kids with special needs to refine time management techniques. From digital schedules to vital skill training, Goally fosters essential life skills in an engaging and supportive way.