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What is a Neuro-Motor Exam?

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A neuro-motor exam is a test where doctors check how well your brain and body work together. They look at things like your strength, balance, and coordination to identify any issues with your nervous system, such as weakness, stiffness, or trouble with coordination. The exam helps doctors diagnose the underlying problem and recommend the right treatment to help you get better.

Frequently Asked Question


What are the benefits of a neuro-motor exam?

A neuro-motor exam can help diagnose neurological conditions, monitor progression, assess the effectiveness of treatments, and evaluate athletic performance, among other benefits.

Is a neuro-motor exam painful?

No, a neuro-motor exam should not be painful. It involves simple tests and exercises that are designed to evaluate your nervous system function.

Who performs a neuro-motor exam?

A neuro-motor exam can be performed by a neurologist, pediatrician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or other healthcare professionals with specialized training in nervous system function and assessment.

Scientific Definition


A neuro-motor exam is a test doctors use to check how well your brain and body work together. It involves looking at things like your muscle strength, reflexes, balance, and coordination. During the exam, your doctor may ask you to walk in a straight line, touch your nose with your finger, or lift your legs while lying down. They may also use a small hammer to tap different parts of your body to check your reflexes. The exam helps the doctor to identify any issues with your nervous system, such as weakness or stiffness in your muscles, problems with your reflexes, or trouble with your coordination. These issues can be caused by various conditions, including injuries, diseases, or infections. By doing a neuro-motor exam, the doctor can diagnose the underlying problem and recommend the right treatment to help you get better.

Real World Example of a Neuro-Motor Exam

Meet Susie, a bubbly 7-year-old experiencing balance issues. Here’s how her Neuro-Motor Exam unfolds:

  • Muscle Strength: Dr. Smith asks Susie to push against her hand. Susie’s strong push indicates good muscle strength.
  • Reflexes: Dr. Smith taps Susie’s knee with a small hammer. Her leg’s quick jerk reveals healthy reflexes.
  • Balance: Susie is asked to walk in a straight line. She struggles a bit, showing balance may be the issue.
  • Coordination: Susie touches her nose with her finger effortlessly, proving her coordination is fine.

Based on the Neuro-Motor Exam, Dr. Smith can conclude that Susie’s balance issues might be causing her problems, and recommends appropriate next steps. Susie’s story illuminates how this comprehensive exam helps identify specific areas of concern in a child’s neuro-motor health.

How Does a Neuro-Motor Exam Work?

A neuro-motor exam provides a snapshot of your child’s brain-body connection. Let’s break down how it works and see some examples:

  • Muscle Strength: The doctor may ask your child to push against their hand or resist a movement to check muscle power.
  • Reflexes: Tapping various parts of the body with a small hammer, doctors observe responses to test reflexes.
  • Balance: Simple tasks like standing on one foot or walking straight help assess balance.
  • Coordination: Touching nose with a finger or catching a ball can reveal coordination issues.

In conclusion, a neuro-motor exam gives a comprehensive view of your child’s neuromuscular health. Goally, with its interactive apps, helps children improve neuromotor skills. From mastering daily routines like teeth brushing, to developing emotional regulation, Goally can also act as a fun, supportive tool complementing strategies suggested post a neuro-motor exam.


This post was originally published on Feb. 15, 2023. It was updated on July 6, 2023.