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What is Brown Noise?

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Brown noise is a deep, low-pitched sound similar to heavy rain, a strong shower, or wind. It’s deeper than white or pink noise and can be calming for some people.

Frequently Asked Question


Is brown noise harmful?

Brown noise is not harmful in normal use, but it’s always a good idea to use headphones or speakers at a low volume, especially when using brown noise with children or people with hearing difficulties.


Is brown noise effective for sleeping?

Brown noise has been found to be effective for sleeping for some people, as it helps create a calming and relaxing environment that can make it easier to fall asleep. However, what works for one person may not work for another, so it’s important to experiment and find what works best for you.


How do I get brown noise?

Brown noise can be obtained through various sources, such as online sound generators, smartphone apps, or dedicated noise machines. Some popular sources for brown noise include websites like myNoise and YouTube, as well as apps like Noisli and SimplyNoise. Simply search for “brown noise” on your preferred app store or website to find a variety of options to choose from.


What equipment or devices can I use to play brown noise?

You can use various devices to play brown noise, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, dedicated white noise machines, or even streaming apps and websites that offer brown noise options.

Scientific Definition


Brown noise, like white noise, finds use in various applications, including sleep aid and noise masking. Unlike white noise’s static-like quality, brown noise is deeper and more calming, resembling a rolling thunderstorm or a waterfall’s rumble. The distinction lies in their creation: white noise combines all sound frequencies, while brown noise emphasizes lower frequencies for a more profound and soothing experience. Many prefer brown noise for its gentler and more relaxing ambiance. In essence, brown noise offers a soothing sound that differs from white noise in its creation and depth.



Video Explanation


Real World Example of Brown Noise

Liam, a 7-year-old boy with autism, often struggles to fall asleep at night due to sensory sensitivities and anxiety. His parents decided to try using brown noise to help him relax and drift off to sleep more easily. Here’s how it worked:

  • Setting up the sound: Liam’s parents downloaded a brown noise app on their phone and connected it to a small speaker in his bedroom.
  • Creating a routine: They incorporated playing the brown noise into Liam’s bedtime routine, starting it 15 minutes before he laid down.
  • Adjusting the volume: They experimented with different volume levels until they found one that was soothing for Liam without being too loud.
  • Monitoring the results: After a week of using brown noise, Liam was falling asleep faster and sleeping more soundly through the night.

Ultimately, brown noise became Liam’s magical companion, bringing comfort, relaxation, and concentration.

How Does Brown Noise Work?

Brown noise achieves its soothing effect by amplifying lower sound frequencies. Its applications include:

Benefit Description
Sleep aid Brown noise masks disruptive sounds, promoting a peaceful sleep environment.
Stress reduction Listening to brown noise fosters relaxation and minimizes stress.
Concentration boost Brown noise as background sound enhances focus during work or study.
Mindfulness and meditation Incorporating brown noise enhances relaxation and mindfulness in meditation.
Calming babies Brown noise comforts and relaxes infants, aiding in sleep.

Brown noise emphasizes lower frequencies and serves various purposes, such as sleep, relaxation, concentration, meditation, and soothing infants.


This post was originally published on Feb. 5, 2023. It was updated on April 14, 2024.