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What are Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services?

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Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services are a type of support that helps kids with special needs improve their behavior, emotions, and social skills. These services are designed to assist kids in reaching their full potential and living happy, fulfilling lives.

Frequently Asked Question


How are BHR Services different from other forms of therapy?

BHR Services are unique in their comprehensive and individualized approach, addressing the specific behavioral, emotional, and social challenges of each child with the goal of promoting positive change and functional improvement.

What types of professionals are involved in providing BHR Services?

BHR Services typically involve a team of professionals, including therapists, psychologists, behavior analysts, and special education professionals, who collaborate to develop and implement personalized treatment plans for children with special needs.

Are BHR Services covered by insurance?

In many cases, BHR Services are covered by insurance, including Medicaid. However, coverage may vary depending on the specific insurance plan and the services provided. It is recommended to check with the insurance provider to determine the coverage and any requirements or limitations.

Scientific Definition


Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services encompass a range of specialized interventions and therapies to address the behavioral, emotional, and social challenges experienced by children with special needs. These services are tailored to meet each child’s specific needs and typically involve a collaborative approach involving professionals, caregivers, and the child themselves. BHR Services may include individual and group therapy, behavior management strategies, skill-building exercises, and support in various settings such as home, school, or community. The primary goal of BHR Services is to empower children with special needs, enhance their overall well-being, and enable them to participate fully in their daily lives.

Real World Example of Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services

Meet Susie, a young girl with special needs, and discover how Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services positively impacted her life. Susie’s behavioral, emotional, and social well-being flourished through personalized interventions and support.

  • Meet Susie:
    • Susie is a bright and curious 8-year-old girl diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
    • She loves exploring nature but struggles with communication, emotional regulation, and peer interaction.
  • Initial Assessment:
    • Susie’s parents consult with a team of professionals experienced in BHR Services to seek guidance and support.
    • The team conducts a comprehensive assessment, understanding Susie’s strengths, challenges, and goals.
  • Individualized Treatment Plan:
    • Based on the assessment, a personalized BHR treatment plan is developed for Susie, tailored to her specific needs.
    • The plan outlines strategies to address her communication difficulties, emotional regulation, and social skills.
  • Therapy Sessions:
    • Susie began attending individual and group therapy sessions with a trained therapist specializing in ASD.
    • Susie learns how to express herself in therapy using visual aids, sign language, and assistive technology.
    • Through role-playing and structured activities, Susie practices social skills, such as turn-taking and making friends.
  • Collaborative Efforts:
    • Susie’s parents actively participate in therapy sessions, learning techniques to support Susie’s progress at home.
    • They create visual schedules, establish consistent routines, and implement positive reinforcement strategies.
  • Behavior Management:
    • Susie’s therapist helps develop a behavior management plan that encourages desirable behaviors and addresses challenges.
    • Using a reward system and clear expectations, Susie learns to regulate her emotions and cope with frustration.
  • School Support:
    • The BHR team collaborates with Susie’s school, assisting teachers in implementing accommodations and modifications.
    • They provide training on inclusive practices, sensory-friendly environments, and communication strategies.
  • Progress and Growth:
    • Over time, Susie’s progress becomes evident. She starts initiating conversations, engaging in imaginative play, and forming friendships.
    • Susie’s improved emotional regulation allows her to navigate transitions more smoothly, reducing anxiety and meltdowns.

Through Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services, Susie received the targeted support she needed to thrive. Susie’s communication, emotional well-being, and social interactions blossomed with a personalized treatment plan, therapy sessions, collaboration with her family and school, and effective behavior management.

How Does Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services Work?

Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) Services help children with special needs improve their behaviors, emotional well-being, and social skills. Here’s how it works:

  1. Individualized Plans: Personalized plans are created for each child, focusing on their specific needs, strengths, and challenges.
  2. Collaborative Approach: Professionals, caregivers, and the child work together to implement strategies and interventions.
  3. Behavior Analysis: Behavioral analysis techniques are used to understand the root causes of challenging behaviors and develop effective interventions.
  4. Skill-Building: Children engage in targeted exercises to develop adaptive behaviors, emotional regulation, communication, and social interactions.
  5. Behavior Modification: Positive reinforcement, reward systems, and behavior management strategies encourage desired behaviors and reduce problematic ones.
  6. Therapeutic Interventions: Individual and group therapy sessions provide a safe space for kids to express themselves, learn coping skills, and develop emotional resilience.
  7. Environmental Adaptations: Supportive environments at home, school, and community settings are created to promote positive behaviors and reduce triggers.
  8. Family Involvement: Parents and caregivers receive guidance, education, and support to reinforce interventions and ensure consistency.
  9. Progress Monitoring: Regular assessments track the child’s progress, allowing for adjustments and modifications to the treatment plan.

BHR Services offer comprehensive support tailored to each child’s needs, helping them thrive socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. Goally, a tablet with apps for life and language skills, including digital visual schedules, AAC communication, gamified learning, and social skills training, can complement BHR Services by reinforcing skills and strategies learned, further enhancing the overall growth of children with special needs.


This post was originally published on June 12, 2023. It was updated on July 18, 2023.