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What is AUTS18?

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AUTS18 is a special name for a condition that affects some children. It happens because of changes in their genes on the part of the body called chromosome 18. People with AUTS18 may need help interacting with others and talk. They might have certain behaviors they repeat a lot and really like specific things. Some children with AUTS18 also have trouble learning and understanding things. It’s important to remember that AUTS18 is uncommon, and each child can have different experiences.

Frequently Asked Question


Is AUTS18 a common condition?

No, AUTS18 is considered a rare genetic condition, meaning it occurs in a small percentage of the population. It is important to consult with healthcare professionals and genetic specialists for accurate diagnosis and guidance.

Are there any associated medical conditions with AUTS18?

Some individuals with AUTS18 may have additional medical conditions or physical abnormalities, such as distinctive facial features or organ malformations. It is essential for healthcare providers to conduct thorough evaluations to address any associated medical concerns.

Can children with AUTS18 lead independent lives as adults?

The ability for individuals with AUTS18 to lead independent lives as adults can vary. With early interventions, appropriate support, and access to resources, many individuals with AUTS18 can acquire skills to achieve varying degrees of independence in adulthood. Transition planning and ongoing support services can assist in facilitating a successful transition into adulthood.

Scientific Definition


AUTS18 (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Chromosome 18 Type) is a genetic condition characterized by certain changes or mutations in the genes located on chromosome 18. Individuals with AUTS18 often exhibit features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental and intellectual disabilities. The specific symptoms and severity can vary from person to person. Common characteristics include difficulties with social interaction and communication, repetitive behaviors or restricted interests, delayed language development, and intellectual challenges. Some individuals with AUTS18 may also have physical abnormalities, such as distinctive facial features or organ malformations. It is important to note that AUTS18 is a rare genetic condition, and each individual’s experience with the disorder can be unique.

Treatment for AUTS18

Although there is no cure for AUTS18, early intervention and targeted treatments can greatly improve the quality of life for children with this genetic condition. Here are some approaches and interventions that can help address AUTS18 symptoms:

  1. Behavioral Interventions: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy uses positive reinforcement to teach new skills, reduce problem behaviors, and enhance adaptive behaviors.
  2. Speech and Language Therapy: Therapists use visual supports, AAC systems, and social communication interventions to support language development and enhance functional communication.
  3. Occupational Therapy: Focuses on improving daily living skills, fine motor skills, sensory processing, and self-regulation abilities.
  4. Educational Support: IEPs tailor educational strategies, accommodations, and modifications to address individual learning challenges.
  5. Medical Management: Consultation with healthcare professionals helps address comorbid conditions and optimize overall health.
  6. Family Support and Counseling: Support groups, counseling, and parent training programs offer guidance, resources, and strategies for managing the challenges.

With appropriate interventions and support, many children with AUTS18 can progress significantly. While challenges may persist in certain areas, ongoing support, therapies, and educational adjustments can help individuals reach their full potential and live satisfying lives.

Symptoms of AUTS18

Children with AUTS18, a rare genetic condition, may exhibit diverse symptoms affecting their development and daily functioning. Understanding these signs can assist parents and caregivers in providing appropriate support and interventions. Here are some common symptoms to be aware of:

  1. Social Interaction and Communication:
    • Difficulty making or maintaining eye contact
    • Challenges with nonverbal cues like facial expressions or gestures
    • Delayed or limited speech and language development
    • Difficulty initiating or sustaining conversations
    • Impaired ability to engage in reciprocal social interactions and make friends
  2. Repetitive Behaviors and Restricted Interests:
    • Engaging in repetitive movements or actions
    • Insistence on sameness and resistance to routine changes
    • Highly focused interests in specific topics, objects, or activities
    • Strong adherence to rituals or rituals-like behaviors
    • Sensitivity to sensory stimuli
  3. Cognitive and Intellectual Challenges:
    • Delayed cognitive development and varying degrees of intellectual disabilities
    • Difficulty with problem-solving, abstract thinking, and complex concepts.
    • Challenges with learning and retaining new information.
    • Differences in attention, concentration, memory skills, and processing speed

Remember, every child with AUTS18 is unique, and the severity and combination of symptoms can differ significantly. Some may require additional support in communication, social skills, and academic learning. Tools like Goally, a tablet-based system with apps for visual schedules, AAC, and gamified learning, can aid in building essential life and language skills.


Editor’s note: This information is not meant to diagnose or treat and should not take the place of personal consultation, as needed, with a qualified healthcare provider and/or BCBA.


This post was originally published on May 12, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.