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What is Attentional Control?

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Attentional control is the ability to focus on what’s important and ignore what’s not. It helps us stay focused and not get distracted, making sure we use our time and energy wisely.


Frequently Asked Question


Why is attentional control important?

Attentional control is important because it helps a person stay focused and not get distracted, leading to increased productivity and better results in various tasks and activities.

How can attentional control be developed?

Attentional control can be developed through regularly practicing focus and ignoring distractions, gradually increasing the difficulty of tasks, and incorporating positive reinforcement.

What are some common distractions that affect attentional control?

Common distractions that affect attentional control include background noise, bright colors, social media, and phone notifications.

Scientific Definition


Attentional control is the ability of our mind to focus on what is important and ignore what is not. It helps us stay focused on a task and avoid distractions. For example, when doing your homework, attentional control helps you stay focused and not get distracted by your phone or other things around you. Good attentional control makes learning new things more manageable, making decisions easier, and completing tasks efficiently. It is like a mental “traffic cop” that helps direct our thoughts and focus. Everyone has some level of attentional control, but some people may have more control than others. It can also be improved through practice and training. Just like muscles in your body, your attentional control can get stronger with exercise.


Real World Example of Attentional Control

Meet Susie, a curious and imaginative girl who loves exploring the world around her. One sunny day, Susie decided to visit the park with her friends. As they played on the swings, slides, and monkey bars, Susie’s attentional control came into action:

  • Ignoring distractions: While swinging, Susie noticed her favorite bird flying by. Instead of getting distracted, she reminded herself to stay focused on swinging high.
  • Blocking out noise: As her friends giggled and chatted, Susie concentrated on climbing the ladder to reach the top of the slide, blocking out the noise around her.
  • Staying on task: When a dog barked and caught her attention, Susie remembered that her goal was to reach the highest point on the jungle gym. She redirected her focus and continued climbing.

Through her practice of attentional control, Susie accomplished her park adventure successfully. With each experience, she became better at maintaining focus, ignoring distractions, and achieving her goals.

How Does Attentional Control Work?

Attentional control is a fundamental cognitive ability that allows us to stay focused and filter out distractions. Let’s explore how it works and see some examples in action.

  • Reading a book without being interrupted by background noise.
  • Ignoring notifications on your phone while studying.
  • Paying attention to the teacher’s instructions in a classroom full of chatty classmates.
  • Focusing on a conversation with a friend in a crowded and noisy restaurant.
  • Maintaining concentration on a task despite feeling tired or bored.

Attentional control empowers us to direct our attention to what’s important and ignore what’s not. It enhances our ability to concentrate, learn, and accomplish tasks effectively. Goally, our tablet, helps kids improve attentional control with interactive apps for skills like executive functioning, emotional regulation, and social skills. It fosters focus, reduces distractions, and supports goal achievement.


This post was originally published on Feb. 5, 2023. It was updated on July 14, 2023.