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a Goally Publication



How to Clean the Table | Parent Guide

We’ve all been there—a chaotic dinner wraps up, and you’re left staring at a table that looks like a food fight just happened. You’re exhausted, your kids are fidgety, and that table isn’t going to clean itself. But what if it sort of could? No, we’re not suggesting a self-cleaning table (yet). However, our Goal Mine Class is all about teaching your kids how to tackle this task independently. Yep, by the end of this blog—and the accompanying video—they’ll master the art of table cleaning.

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • Identify the Cleaning Supplies: Arm your kids with the right tools for the job: cleaning spray or sanitizing wipes, paper towels, and optional gloves. Show them where these items are and let them gather the supplies themselves. In other words, you’re not just teaching them how to clean, but also how to prepare for a task. For instance, this is a lesson in responsibility and self-reliance, above all.
  • Putting on Gloves Correctly: Some kids love the whole scientific aspect of this, donning gloves like they’re in a lab. Show them how to put the gloves on properly. Make it a mini lesson in hygiene. However, if gloves aren’t your thing, no sweat; just ensure thorough hand washing afterward.
How to clean the table. A gloved hand wipes a table with a heavy cloth.
Read more: Teach Kids How to Put Gloves On

Step 2: Clear the Table

  • Removing and Storing Items: Here’s where the real work starts. Instruct your child to remove dishes, decorations, and any other items on the table. Emphasize the importance of careful handling, especially with breakables. Meanwhile, teach them where these items should go. On the other hand, it’s not just about cleaning but also about learning the proper home for each object.
  • Initial Dust and Crumb Wiping: Hand them a dry cloth or a paper towel to wipe away loose crumbs, dust, or food residues. Stress the need for a clean slate before the actual cleaning happens. For example, liken it to erasing a drawing board before sketching something new.

Step 3: How to Spray the Table

  • Effective Application of Cleaning Product: Show them how to spray the cleaner evenly across the surface. This is a fantastic time to discuss the concept of moderation. Certainly, you don’t want a puddle of cleaner, but a fine mist will do the job.
  • Timing and Pacing: Most cleaning products need to sit for a few seconds or minutes to disinfect properly. Teach them to read the instructions and use that waiting time productively. Subsequently, they can return to wipe the table down.
  • Wiping For a Clean Finish: Hand over a dry cloth or paper towel and guide them through the wiping process. Ensure they’re not just smearing the cleaner but actually lifting the dirt off.
How to clean the table. An image of a man with a cleaning spray bottle and a sponge preparing to clean a table.
Read more: Teach Kids How to Clean Kitchen Surfaces

Step 4: How to Wipe the Table Clean

  • Detailing Corners and Edges: You’ve made it this far; let’s not cut corners—literally. Teach them the importance of attention to detail by reaching into every nook and cranny.
  • Full Coverage Wiping: Methodical is the word here. Create a pattern or system—left to right, top to bottom—to ensure you don’t miss any spots.
  • Final Check and Handwashing: Finally, review their work and point out any areas that may need a quick re-clean. Above all, remind them to wash their hands after the job’s done to get rid of any lingering chemicals.

Goally | Learning Videos for Kids

Does your child need some extra guidance on around-the-house tasks? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Clean the Bathroom” to “How to Put Away Your Toys,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

Dive into the Goal Mine channel, where Puffy the Penguin leads your child through behavior skills training videos. They’ll learn social, hygiene, and living skills that are key to their independence. For those moments when they need a break, the Chill Zone channel offers low stimulation video content with Paulie the Penguin at the beach, perfect for relaxation and self-regulation.

Try Goally as an app on any device you have at home for just $15. We also have a dedicated tablet (which ONLY has Goally on it) for $149.

So there you have it. A step-by-step guide to making your table—and your child—a lot cleaner. Trust us, they won’t just learn how to clean the table but will gain a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. After that, who knows? Maybe next week, they’ll be volunteering to mop the floors. If you found this guide helpful, your kids will absolutely benefit from the full Goal Mine class series. The embedded YouTube video only covers Step 1, but our dedicated Goally Tablet unlocks the rest of the video lessons for this skill. Ready to make life even easier? Then it’s time to invest in that tablet.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.