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Behavior Clip Chart for Kids | Free Printable

two kids fighting ove ra teddy bear who could benefit from using a behavior clip chart

Behavior charts can be a fun and effective tool for parents and teachers to help children understand and manage their behavior. A behavior clip chart, in particular, is a type of chart that uses clips or clothespins to track progress and reward good habits. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the benefits of using these chars for kids. You can use them both at home and at school!

Benefits of Behavior Clip Charts

Visual Tracking

Behavior clip charts provide a visual representation of a child’s progress and help parents and teachers see their accomplishments. By tracking their progress and seeing their successes, children can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This will help encourage them to continue trying.

Positive Reinforcement

Behavior clip charts provide a way for parents and teachers to reward good actions and give positive feedback to children. As your kiddo exhibits good actions, you can reward them depending on what you think helps motivate them. You simply move their clip up the chart. This reinforces good behavior and encourages children to continue trying.

a mom who is considering using a behavior clip chart for her misbehaving kids
Read more: Free Printable Daily Behavior Chart


Clip charts can help improve communication between parents, teachers, and children. By tracking progress and rewards, parents and teachers can discuss the behavior with children. This will help build trust and encourage a positive relationship.

Behavior Clip Charts | Consistency and Structure

Behavior clip charts provide consistency and structure when you’re helping your kiddo learn more constructive actions. Children are often more successful when they have a clear routine and structure in place. By using clip charts, parents and teachers can establish a consistent routine. This helps children understand what you expect of them.

Easy to Use

Behavior clip charts are simple and easy to use. They don’t require a lot of time or resources to set up and can be a fun and engaging way to encourage good behavior. You can even flll in your own words to add further customization! Be sure to use words that excite and motivate your kiddo to display constructive behaviors!

A young child demonstrates brushing teeth on the best tablet for kids by Goally, highlighting a kid-friendly interface.

Goally | Apps That Build Behavior & Life Skills for Kids

Want to keep your child motivated while building essential behavior and life skills? Goally’s skill-building tablet is designed to celebrate small wins and help your child grow.

Our Behavior Tracker helps you reward your kiddo for specific skills, like “being kind” or “flushing the toilet.”

By setting clear expectations and rewarding their efforts, you foster a positive environment for your child to flourish in their behavioral skills journey.

The hall monitor penguin uses apps for ABA Therapy that help at home as well as in the clinic.

Using Behavior Clip Charts

To conclude, behavior clip charts can serve as an integral resource for parents and educators aiming to promote positive behavior in children. By offering visual progression tracking, reinforcement of positive behavior, enhancing communication, and providing a consistent structure, clip charts not only simplify the process but also make it more enjoyable and engaging for children.

This post was originally published on 02/14/2023. It was updated on 12/29/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.