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Aspie Quiz | 10 Questions

aspie quiz. This graphic shows a wheel pertaining to different spectrum possibilities.

Do you ever feel like figuring out your child’s unique way of thinking and learning is like solving a giant puzzle? You’re not the only one. Many parents and caregivers of kids with thinking and learning differences face similar challenges. That’s why we created a 10-question Aspie quiz to give you some insight into the amazing world of Asperger’s Syndrome and how it may relate to your child’s experiences. This quiz is the first step towards better supporting and empowering your child on their journey.

Asperger’s Syndrome: What’s It All About?

Before taking the Aspie quiz, let’s get a quick overview of what Asperger’s Syndrome is. Part of the autism spectrum, Asperger’s Syndrome, makes social interactions and nonverbal communication a bit more complicated. Kids with Asperger’s might also have specific interests and repetitive behaviors. But remember, every child with Asperger’s is unique and can show a wide range of traits and abilities.

Common Traits We See in Kids with Asperger’s Syndrome

  • Struggling with social interactions and making friends
  • Challenges with nonverbal communication, like understanding facial expressions and body language
  • Repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities
  • Very focused interests in specific topics
  • Trouble understanding social cues or sarcasm
  • Sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as noise, touch, or smells

Goally | Visual Scheduler for Autism

Does your child struggle with getting ready in the morning independently? Goally’s routine app on the best tablet for kids breaks down large tasks into small, achievable steps for autistic kids. Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step.

Remember that these traits can vary between kids, and some might not be present at all. The key is to carefully observe your child and seek professional help if you think they might have Asperger’s Syndrome.

Helping Your Child Succeed: Tips for Parents of Neurodivergent Kids

With the knowledge you gain from the Aspie quiz, you can use practical strategies to support your child’s growth and development. Here’s a list of tips to help them thrive:

1. Create a Supportive Environment at Home

Make your home a safe, nurturing, and understanding place for your child. Encourage open communication and be patient when expressing their thoughts and feelings. Show empathy and support them as they explore their strengths and interests.

Read More: Does My Child Have Asperger's?

When your child feels supported and understood, they’re more likely to develop confidence and a positive attitude towards life. A strong foundation at home can make a huge difference in your child’s overall well-being.

2. Help Your Child Build Social Skills

Give your child chances to interact with others and develop their social skills. You can enroll them in extracurricular activities, set up playdates, or join support groups where they can learn and practice social skills with other kids.

  • Organize playdates with different age groups and personalities
  • Enroll them in clubs or classes that match their interests
  • Use simple games and activities to practice social skills
  • Model good social behavior for your child

3. Work with Educators and Professionals

Collaborate with your child’s teachers, therapists, and other professionals to ensure they get the support they need in school. Share insights from the Aspie quiz with them to create a tailored plan that meets your child’s unique needs.

Close cooperation between you, your child, and the professionals in their life can ensure a better understanding of their strengths and challenges. This teamwork can lead to an effective support system for your child throughout their education.

4. Use Technology to Help Your Child

Technology can play a big role in helping your child stay organized, develop important life skills, and become more independent. Tools like Goally, a learning tablet designed for neurodivergent kids, can be a great support.

Goally FeaturesBenefits for Your Child
Schedule and routine managementHelps your child stay organized and on track
Visual timers and remindersReduces anxiety and improves time management
Customizable learning activitiesSupports your child’s unique learning needs and interests

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"Goally has changed our lives. I no longer nag our son nonstop to complete basic tasks like getting ready for bed or cleaning his room!" — Bryna, Goally Mom
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5. Celebrate Your Child’s Uniqueness

Cheer for your child’s achievements, strengths, and passions. Encourage them to embrace their individuality and find pride in their neurodivergent identity. When you celebrate their uniqueness, you’re helping them build a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence.

Remember that no two children are the same, and each child brings something special to the world. By embracing and celebrating your child’s uniqueness, you’re also teaching them the value of diversity and acceptance.

Ready for the Aspie Quiz? Let’s Get Started

Now that you understand Asperger’s Syndrome and have some helpful tips, you’re all set to take the 10-question Aspie quiz by Goally. This quiz will give you valuable insights into your child’s unique characteristics and help you better understand their needs.

Take the Goally Aspie Quiz Now

Aspie Quiz | 10 Questions

This quiz helps you identify common behaviors and traits associated with Asperger’s syndrome in your child, providing insights that can assist in understanding and supporting their unique needs.

1 / 10

Does your child have a strong interest in specific topics or hobbies that they focus on intensely?

2 / 10

Does your child prefer routines and become upset when their usual routine is disrupted?

3 / 10

Does your child have difficulty understanding social cues or norms, such as taking turns in conversation or interpreting body language?

4 / 10

Does your child tend to take things literally and struggle with understanding sarcasm or jokes?

5 / 10

Is your child highly sensitive to sensory stimuli like loud noises, bright lights, or certain textures of clothing?

6 / 10

Does your child have a strong preference for solitary activities or playing alone rather than participating in group activities?

7 / 10

Does your child speak in a formal or unusually adult-like manner for their age?

8 / 10

Does your child exhibit repetitive behaviors or rituals that they feel compelled to perform?

9 / 10

Does your child have difficulty making and maintaining friendships with peers?

10 / 10

Has your child shown a pattern of needing specific instructions to perform tasks that others might intuitively grasp?


Goally | Routines that Actually Work

Goally’s skill building tablet for kids has routines that break down large tasks into small, achievable steps. It helps kids complete their tasks independently! 

A notification from the Goally Parent App on the best tablet for kids indicating the start of a potty routine, demonstrating parental control features.

Create custom routines with your own videos & pictures for every step. The steps come in small, bite-sized pieces to help your child learn the little fundamentals (like putting the toothpaste on their toothbrush!) to achieve bigger goals. And that’s just the beginning. See it in action:

Keep on Learning and Growing with Your Child

Remember, the Aspie quiz is just beginning your journey in supporting your neurodivergent child. As you continue to learn and grow with them, you’ll find new ways to connect, understand, and empower your child. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the wins, and cherish the special bond you share.

This post was originally published on 04/30/2023. It was updated on 06/13/2023.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.