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What Are The Zones of Regulation?

The Zones of Regulation is a program designed to help individuals learn how to identify and manage their emotions and behavior. It is a widely-used program in schools and homes to promote emotional regulation skills. Below, we’ll take an in-depth look at what the different zones of regulation autism are, and how they help kids learn to self-regulate!

Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a framework that teaches individuals to recognize and manage their emotions and behavior in different situations. It’s most popular for children in elementary and middle school. There are four different zones in the program, each representing a different state of mind and level of arousal:

  1. Blue Zone – This zone represents low arousal and is typically associated with feeling sad, tired, or sick.
  2. Green Zone – This zone represents a calm and focused state of mind. Individuals in the green zone are typically able to regulate their emotions and behavior effectively.
  3. Yellow Zone – This zone represents a heightened state of arousal, with feelings of anxiety or excitement. Kids in the yellow zone may have difficulty regulating their behavior. They may need support to return to the green zone.
  4. Red Zone – This zone represents an intense state of arousal, with feelings of anger or aggression. Individuals in the red zone may need immediate support to help them regulate their behavior and return to the green zone.

Goals and Benefits of Teaching Kids About the Zones of Regulation

One of the main goals of the Zones of Regulation autism program is to improve self-regulation skills in children. By learning to recognize and manage their emotions and behavior, children can become more independent and confident in their ability to navigate different social situations. The program teaches children how to identify when they need to use calming strategies. Things like deep breathing exercises or taking a break to help them regulate their emotions and behavior.

By improving emotional regulation skills, children can also improve their ability to concentrate and learn in the classroom. When children are able to regulate their emotions and behavior effectively, they are better able to focus on the task at hand and engage in positive interactions with peers and teachers. Additionally, the program promotes positive communication and problem-solving skills by teaching children how to express their emotions and needs effectively and work collaboratively with others.

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Using the Zones of Regulation at Home

Helping Children Understand Their Feelings

One way to incorporate the Zones of Regulation at home is to help children identify and label their emotions. You can do this by asking them how they are feeling and helping them understand what each zone means. For example, you could say, “It sounds like you’re feeling really frustrated right now. That’s okay, let’s try some deep breathing to calm down and go to the green zone.”

The Importance of Creating a Calm and Safe Home Environment

Children need a safe and calm environment to feel secure and regulate their emotions effectively. This means creating a routine and structure at home that promotes calm and consistency. It also means providing a safe space for children to retreat to when they need a break or to regulate their emotions.

Incorporating Zones of Regulation Into Daily Routines

You can incorporate the Zones of Regulation into your daily routines by discussing how your child is feeling throughout the day. This helps them identify which zone they are in. You can also use the zones to help your child transition between activities and provide opportunities for them to use calming strategies when they need it.

Using Zones of Regulation To Help With Discipline and Behavior Management

The Zones of Regulation autism can also be a tool for discipline and behavior management. By helping children understand which zone they are in and providing them with tools to regulate their emotions, you can help them learn to make better choices and behave more appropriately.

a teacher who taught zones of regulation and identified a students triggers to help them learn to self-regulate
Read more: Emotional Dysregulation Test

The Importance of Learning a Child’s Triggers

Triggers are events or situations that cause an individual to become emotionally dysregulated. For children, triggers can include things like transitions, sensory overload, or feeling overwhelmed by a task.

One way to identify a child’s triggers is to observe their behavior and emotions in different situations. You can also ask your child what makes them feel upset or overwhelmed. Try to identify patterns in their responses. By understanding a child’s triggers, you can help them avoid or manage situations that cause emotional dysregulation. This can help them feel more in control of their emotions and behavior and promote positive interactions with others.

Using Video Modeling To Help Kids Identify Zones and Learn to Calm Themselves

Video modeling is a teaching method that uses videos to demonstrate a particular skill or behavior. It can be an effective tool for teaching children about the Zones of Regulation. The videos provide a visual demonstration of each zone and how to regulate emotions and behavior. Try to find age-appropriate videos that demonstrate each zone and how to regulate emotions and behavior. You can also create your own videos with your child to help them practice calming strategies and identify which zone they’re in.

Goally | Kid’s Tablet for Building Emotional Regulation Skills

Is your child struggling with understanding and managing their emotions? Goally teaches emotional regulation skills in a fun and interactive way!

The Mood Tuner app encourages kids to look inwards and identify their feelings, helping them understand what’s going on inside. Once they’ve recognized their emotions, they can choose from a variety of exercises designed to help them self-regulate and find their balance.

The Zones of Regulation autism is a valuable tool for helping children learn how to identify and manage their emotions. By using the program at home and in the classroom, parents and teachers can help children develop important emotional regulation skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. So, let’s encourage our kids to recognize their emotions, understand their triggers, and use the Zones of Regulation to promote self-regulation and positive behavior.

This post was originally published on 03/24/2023. It was updated on 06/23/2023.

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