Parent Press

a Goally Publication



How Goally Helps Danita and Sophia With Everyday Life

“I purchased Goally and it changed everything!” Danita shared in excitement.

Continue reading on about how Goally would go on to change Danita and Sophias life for the better from enjoying routines to loving school!

Danita and Sophia’s Story

Before Goally came into our life everything was a struggle. By struggle, I mean things not getting completed and my child running. I have been unable to get Professional Help from doctors despite my repeated efforts at calling, emailing, texting, etc. as they have no appointments or they do not take our insurance.

In desperation I began with what I knew from Google. She and I are most likely ADHD with a bit of Autism mixed in. As a result, I googled suggestions for how to help her based on my ameateur research. She has a tool bag with many things to use for stimming and Goally came up in my search as I was struggling to get through a school day(we homeschool).

How Sophia Uses Goally to Complete Routines!

She gets through a day And completes routines by herself! We absolutely love schooling together now! The Routine Creation is easy and very intuitive. It can be set to start on its own or launched from your phone. Wonderful! You can even upload your own pictures to personalize the experience for your child.

I have connected with my beautiful Sophia how I have never been able to and her to me! Our days are peaceful and there are bad days. There are hiccups but we go to Goally together, regroup with a big hug and start again.

The Games and Apps are interesting and engaging. Sophia redeems her screen time points to use on her Goally and has learned so many things which she excitedly shares with me.

Goally’s Amazing Staff

The staff are amazing! They walked us through all the steps, if we had technical difficulties or just user errors! I cannot recommend Goally enough to anyone with a beautiful neurodivergent child. Sophia used to think she was broken, now she knows that she has superpowers and that Goally is helping her to harness them. Thank you so much, Goally Staff and Creators, thank you for all you do!”

Written by Danita Evans, Mom of Sophia.

Connect with Danita on the Goally Facebook Parent Group 👉

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Goally | Best Videos to Teach Life Skills

Give your kid an independent future. Goally has 100+ video classes teaching life skills like “How to Choose a Restaurant,” “How to Interrupt Politely,” and “How to Get Ready for School.”

Goally takes kids on an adventure that includes interactive practice and checkpoints along the way! No web browsers, YouTube, or social media.

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.