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What is Social Interaction Theory?

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Social interaction theory is the idea that we learn and grow by hanging out and talking with others. It’s like how kids learn from playing and chatting with their buddies; it helps them figure out who they are and how to act with others.

Frequently Asked Question


How does social interaction theory affect kids?

Kids learn essential life skills and behaviors by observing, interacting, and receiving feedback from their social environment.

What tools can assist kids in social interaction development?

Visual schedules, emotional regulation apps, and rewards can be effective tools, guiding kids in understanding and adapting to various social scenarios.

How can emotional regulation apps benefit children?

These apps teach kids to recognize and handle their emotions, leading to more successful and positive social interactions.

Scientific Definition


Social interaction theory posits that our interactions with others shape human behavior and personality development. These interactions, be they verbal, non-verbal, or through shared activities, play a crucial role in the formation of our self-concept and our understanding of the social world around us.

Real World Example of Social Interaction Theory

Susie, a curious 6-year-old, went to her neighborhood park. Here’s how her day unfolded under the lens of social interaction theory:

  • Observation: She noticed a group playing hopscotch. Watching intently, she learned the game’s rhythm.
  • Engagement: Susie mustered the courage and asked, “Can I join?” They welcomed her in.
  • Feedback Loop: On her first attempt, she stumbled. A kind child showed her the right technique, and she adjusted.
  • Mimicking: She saw kids clapping for a good play. Soon, she started clapping too, understanding its meaning.

By the end of the day, not only did Susie master hopscotch, but she also made a new friend!

How does Social Interaction Theory work?

Social interaction theory refers to how we behave and learn from being around others. It’s a give-and-take dance that paints the canvas of our social lives.

  • Kids watching others and copying actions.
  • A child getting feedback when they share a toy.
  • Learning manners by seeing how family talks at dinner.
  • Picking up facial expressions and moods from friends.
  • Adapting behavior after being praised or corrected.

Wrapping up, it’s all about the small moments and feedback loops that shape our social smarts. Remember, every chat, smile, or nod plays its part!


Goally can be a nifty companion for kids on this journey. With apps that teach everything from emotions to everyday tasks, it’s like having a friendly guide for social interactions and life skills right at their fingertips. Plus, our fun videos can help them ace those social situations!


This post was originally published on August 14, 2023.