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What is Generalization?

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Generalization is when your child can apply what they’ve learned in one place or setting to another place or setting. It’s like when they use manners learned at home at a friend’s house or the school rules they follow in their classroom applied at the library.

Frequently Asked Question


Why is generalization important in children's learning?

Generalization is important because it enables children to apply skills they have learned, like those from therapy sessions, into real-life scenarios.

How can learning tools help with generalization?

Learning tools like visual schedulers can help children practice routines until they can apply them in real-life scenarios, thus enhancing generalization.

Are there specific learning tools that are particularly useful for promoting generalization?

Yes, tools like Goally, emotional regulation apps, and reward systems are particularly effective for promoting generalization in children.

Scientific Definition


In behavioral psychology, Generalization refers to the transfer or application of learned behaviors, skills, or concepts to new situations or environments that are not identical to the initial condition where the learning first occurred. It’s essential in any comprehensive learning strategy, especially for children with special needs. According to research, generalization is crucial in enabling kids to effectively use the skills they have learned in therapy sessions in real-life scenarios.

Meet Charlie, a bright and energetic seven-year-old boy who loves playing outdoors. Recently, Charlie has been struggling with his brother’s constant teasing, frequently resulting in tantrums. Let’s take a look at how generalization helped Charlie handle his situation better:


  • Charlie’s parents decided to seek professional help and enrolled him in therapy, where Charlie learned about deep breathing exercises to handle stress.
  • They also introduced Goally, a visual scheduler at home, where Charlie could practice his new skill in a controlled environment. He was encouraged to use the device whenever he felt frustrated or upset.
  • Over time, Charlie started applying his deep breathing technique outside his home, not just when he was teasing with his brother but also while dealing with homework stress or when his playtime got cut short. 
  • Charlie’s parents noticed fewer tantrums and a more cheerful disposition as a result. They realized how Charlie was able to generalizehis deep-breathing technique to manage stress in different situations.

The magic of generalization did not just help Charlie manage his stress better, but also boosted his confidence to face new challenges head-on!

How does Generalization work?

Understanding the concept of generalization can sometimes feel complex. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Generalization occurs when a learned behavior is applied in different environments or situations.
  • Examples include using “please” and “thank you” in various social settings, not just at home, or applying math skills learned at school to manage pocket money.
  • Another instance is a child transferring skills learned in therapy to their everyday lives, like using deep-breathing techniques learned during a therapy session while dealing with a stressful situation at school.


In essence, generalization is the practical application of learned behaviors, creating a singular context for continuous learning.


Goally, the best tablet for kids, can facilitate generalization. For example, a routine created in Goally’s visual scheduler, like “getting ready for school,” prepares a child, step-by-step, for the real scenario. By practicing this routine daily on Goally, a child can easily transfer it into their real school preparation. Simultaneously, they learn to generalize the principle of following structured routines to other life scenarios, bolstering their executive functioning skills.


This post was originally published on October 1, 2023.