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What are Multi-Step Directions?

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Think of multi-step directions like a recipe. It’s a list of things to do, one after the other, to get a job done. Just like when making a sandwich, you first spread the mayo, then put on the meat, and lastly the lettuce. That’s following multi-step directions!

Frequently Asked Question


What are multi-step directions?

Multi-step directions are a series of instructions given in order, requiring the person to follow each step consecutively to achieve a desired outcome.

Why are multi-step directions important for children?

They help kids develop critical skills like memory, attention, and sequencing, which are vital for daily tasks and learning.

How can visual schedules aid in understanding multi-step directions?

Visual schedules break down tasks into manageable visuals, guiding kids through each step with clear, visual cues.

What role do emotional regulation apps play in following directions?

They help kids manage feelings of frustration or anxiety when tackling multi-step tasks, promoting better focus and execution.

Scientific Definition


Multi-step directions refer to a sequence of instructions or commands presented in a particular order, requiring the receiver to execute each step consecutively to achieve a desired outcome or complete a specific task. This concept integrates cognitive processes like working memory, attention, and executive function, and plays a crucial role in tasks demanding systematic progression.

A Real World Example of Multi-Step Directions

Meet Susie, a bubbly 8-year-old with a penchant for puzzles. One day, her teacher gave the class an exciting challenge.

  • Task: Create a tiny garden in a shoebox.
  • Step 1: Choose three types of seeds.
  • Step 2: Layer soil at the box’s bottom.
  • Step 3: Plant the seeds.
  • Step 4: Water them just a tad.
  • Step 5: Label each seed type.

Susie, using her knack for following multi-step directions, tackled each step with enthusiasm. She sometimes had to pause, reminding herself what came next, but she loved the process.

At the end? She had a mini garden, thriving and ready to grow. And the best part? She realized she wasn’t just growing plants. She was nurturing her skills, one step at a time. And that’s the magic of multi-step directions in action!

How Does Multi-Step Directions Work?

Ever wondered how our brains take a string of commands and break them down? It’s a neat dance of memory, attention, and action. Here’s how it works:

  • Memory Holds: Your brain “stores” the instructions.
  • Attention Tunes In: It focuses on the important bits.
  • Processing Starts: The brain thinks, “What’s next?”
  • Action: You follow the steps, one by one.
  • Check & Move: After one step, you move to the next.

It’s like following a treasure map, step by step, to find the hidden gold. And voilà, you’ve cracked the code of multi-step directions! Remember, it’s all about taking things one step at a time and keeping the rhythm.


Need a hand with multi-step directions? Goally can be your sidekick. Our tablet offers fun apps, like visual schedules and skills training videos, that make following directions a game. Whether it’s brushing teeth or mastering social skills, Goally’s here to guide your child every step of the way. Let’s make learning fun and effective!