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Scissor Safety for Kids

scissor safety

Every parent has felt that moment of dread when their child picks up a pair of scissors for the first time. It’s a necessary skill, yet one fraught with potential mishaps. However, with our easy-to-follow guide on scissor safety, you can confidently teach your child this vital life skill. We’ll break down the process into manageable steps, ensuring your child learns how to handle scissors safely and effectively. And, for an even more interactive experience, don’t forget to check out our Goal Mine video class on scissor safety!

Step 1: Gathering Your Materials & Hand PositioningChoose the right scissors for your child’s age and skill level. Teach the correct hand positioning: thumb in the smaller hole, middle finger in the larger hole, and index finger resting on the outside for stability.
Step 2: How to Start CuttingPractice on scrap paper. Encourage small, controlled cuts. Always keep the free hand away from the cutting line.
Step 3: How to Finish the CutAlways close the scissors after making a cut and before setting them down. This practice ensures that the sharp edges are covered.

Step 1: Gathering Your Materials & Hand Positioning

Firstly, the key to mastering scissor safety lies in the preparation. Choosing the right scissors for your child’s age and skill level is crucial. For instance, safety scissors with rounded tips are perfect for beginners. Secondly, teaching the correct hand positioning is equally important. The thumb should be in the smaller hole of the scissors, while the middle finger guides the scissors in the larger hole. The index finger rests on the outside of the scissors to provide stability and control.

Hand Positioning: A Key to Scissor Safety

Proper hand positioning is paramount to ensure scissor safety. Your child should hold the scissors in their dominant hand. Moreover, the wrist should be turned so that the thumb faces upwards. This position gives the most control and stability while cutting.

scissor safety. kids are learning how to cut with scissors in the proper, safe way.
Read more: Kitchen Knife Safety for Kids

Step 2: How to Start Cutting

Once your child has mastered holding the scissors correctly, it’s time to start cutting. But before they dive into their first craft project, practicing on scrap paper is a good idea. Encourage your child to make small, controlled cuts. Remind them to always keep their free hand away from the cutting line. This practice reinforces scissor safety and helps develop their fine motor skills.

Starting the Cut: Practice Makes Perfect

Starting the cut can be tricky for beginners. You can draw lines on the paper for your child to follow to make it easier. This method helps them understand the concept of following a pattern or shape, enhancing their hand-eye coordination in the process.

Read more: How to Brush Your Teeth

Goally | 100+ Streaming Video Classes

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

Step 3: How to Finish the Cut

Finishing the cut is just as important as starting it. Teach your child to permanently close the scissors before cutting and setting them down. This practice ensures that the sharp edges are covered, reinforcing the principles of scissor safety.

Read more: ADHD Behavior Charts

Finishing the Cut: The Final Step to Scissor Safety

As your child becomes more comfortable with scissors, they can start working on more complex projects. However, always remind them of the basics of scissor safety. Encourage them to take their time and never run or play with scissors.

In conclusion, teaching scissor safety doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With patience, practice, and our step-by-step guide, your child will cut confidently in no time. For a more in-depth look at scissor safety, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet. It unlocks the rest of our video lessons, providing your child a comprehensive and interactive learning experience.

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