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What to Do if You Are Lost

We’ve all been there: that heart-stopping moment when you can’t find your child in a crowd, or they can’t locate you. It’s a parent’s worst fear and a scenario that every family should be prepared for. Understanding how to handle such a situation is crucial for parents and kids. Fortunately, we’ve got a detailed guide below to help your kids know exactly what to do if they ever find themselves lost. Moreover, our Goal Mine class has put these concepts into an interactive video format. Let your kids watch and learn, empowering them to confidently handle such situations.

Step NumberActionDescription
1Stay CalmDon’t panic. Take deep breaths, count to ten, and assess the situation.
2Find a Safe PlaceLook for a nearby shop, police booth, or a well-lit area. Stay stationary to be easily found.
3Ask for HelpApproach trustworthy adults, such as police officers or other parents. Stay with them and wait for your parents to return.

Step 1: Stay Calm

  • It’s instinctive for kids to panic when they realize they’re separated from familiar faces. However, teach your child the importance of staying calm. Explain that panic clouds judgment and makes it harder to think clearly. You can play a little game with them. Ask them to take three deep breaths and count to ten every time they feel scared or anxious. By practicing this, they can control their initial shock and better assess the situation.
  • For example, please remind your children of times they’ve faced challenges and overcome them. Use those stories to emphasize the importance of calmness. Show them how staying composed can turn a scary situation into manageable.
Read more: How to Help Kids With Anxiety
What to Do if You Are Lost. a boy is lost and is finding a safe place.
Read more: Real World Life Skills for Kids

Step 2: Find a Safe Place Above All, Safety First!

  • When kids find themselves lost, they might immediately run around frantically. However, this can make things worse. Teach them to find a safe spot and stay put. It could be a nearby shop, a police booth, or even under a streetlight. You can play a game called “Spot the Safe Place,” where you show pictures of various places and ask your child to identify which ones seem safest.
  • Further, explain that staying stationary makes it easier for them to be found. In crowded places, it’s common for parents to retrace their steps. Moreover, it prevents them from wandering further away.

Step 3: Ask for Help

  • This step is crucial. Let your child know it’s okay to approach trustworthy adults and ask for help. Define what a “trustworthy” adult might look like a police officer, a store employee, or another parent with kids. Roleplay can be an effective way to practice this. You can act as the child while they play the role of the trustworthy adult.
  • However, remind them of the importance of never leaving the area with any stranger, no matter how friendly they might seem. Instead, they can ask the adult to stay with them while they wait for you to return.
An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

Goally | Best Videos to Teach Life Skills

Give your kid an independent future. Goally has 100+ video classes teaching life skills like “How to Choose a Restaurant,” “How to Interrupt Politely,” and “How to Get Ready for School.”

Goally takes kids on an adventure that includes interactive practice and checkpoints along the way! No web browsers, YouTube, or social media.

In Short, What to Do if Your Are Lost

While no parent wants to think about their child getting lost, preparing them for such an eventuality is essential. With these steps, you’re equipping your kids with knowledge and providing them with the confidence to handle challenging situations. Remember, while our embedded YouTube video covers the first step in detail, Goally’s dedicated Tablet unlocks the rest of the lessons. Equip your child with this vital knowledge, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind. Your child’s ability to handle challenges grows with each lesson, as does your confidence in them. Invest in their growth and resilience today.

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