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a Goally Publication



Teaching Kids to Sweep the Floor

Ah, the joy of parenting! You’ve spent countless hours picking up after your kiddos, but here comes a golden moment. What if, for just one chore, your kids took the reins? It’s time to teach them the subtle art of sweeping the floor. Above all, patience is vital, as is the knowledge that every new skill takes time and practice. Lucky for you, we’ve broken down the process step by step. Let your kids tune into our Goal Mine class video for a fun, interactive lesson. It’ll guide them through the first step so they can master this essential chore.

StepTaskKey Point
1Get the BroomFind a lightweight, kid-appropriate broom and teach the correct grip.
2Start at the EdgeBegin sweeping from the edges or corners of the room to centralize the dirt.
3Sweep SlowlyUse deliberate, controlled movements for effective sweeping.
4Collect and DumpUse a dustpan to collect the dirt, then dump it into the trash.
5Check Your WorkReview the area for missed spots and ensure a clean floor.

Step 1: Get the Broom

Sweeping starts, unsurprisingly, with the broom. But, not any broom will do. For kids, finding one that’s lightweight and easy to handle is vital. It should be just the right height for them—think Goldilocks, not too tall or short, but just right. When introducing the broom, show them how to grip it correctly: one hand at the top and the other halfway down. This gives them control.
Most importantly, make it fun! Maybe the broom’s a dancing partner? However you spin it, the broom is your kid’s new best buddy.

Read more: Teach Kids How to Clean Kitchen Surfaces

Step 2: Start at the Edge

Starting at the center and working outward might seem tempting, but it’s a rookie mistake. Instruct your kids to always begin at the edges or corners of the room. This method corrals the dirt and debris into a central location, making the task more manageable. For example, picture them sweeping a pile of leaves. If they start in the middle, they’ll scatter leaves everywhere! But by starting at the edges, they work bright and quickly.

sweep the floor. a boy is sweeping the floor.
Read more: How to Clean the Bathroom

Step 3: Sweep Slowly

Fast and furious might be fun in movies, but in sweeping, slow and steady wins the race. Teach your kids the importance of deliberate, controlled movements. In other words, they do no need to go all Thor with the broom. Teach them to watch the dirt move with each sweep. This helps them learn how much pressure to apply and which direction to sweep. Above all, remind them that it’s not a race. Quality over speed, always.

Step 4: Collect and Dump

With all that debris piled up, it’s time for the grand finale. Here’s where a dustpan enters the scene. Show your kids how to hold the dustpan flat against the floor, ensuring no dirt escapes. Scoop the pile onto the dustpan. The key here? No rush. The goal is to get all the dirt in one go. After that, it’s simply dumping the dirt into the trash. And, in the same vein, make sure they know to give the broom a good shake or two over the trash to dislodge any lingering bits.

Step 5: Check Your Work

Indeed, they’ve done a fantastic job, but like any good artist, they should step back and admire their work. Teach them to do a quick scan of the floor. Did they miss a spot? Is there a lone crumb evading capture? Now’s the chance to get it. A job worth doing is worth doing right.

Goally | 100+ Streaming Video Classes

Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

In Short: Sweeping Success!

Your kiddos have now joined the ranks of those who can sweep the floor, and you? You’ve just gained a few moments of sweet, sweet respite. It’s a win-win. Meanwhile, as they refine their skills, remember that practice makes perfect. And if you’re keen on diving deeper into the world of chores, why not explore Goally’s dedicated Tablet? It’s chock-full of video lessons to master every nook and cranny of “sweep the floor” beyond just step #1. Let’s help them grow one sweep at a time!

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