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a Goally Publication



How to Cross the Street at a Traffic Signal

From the first wobbly steps our kids take to their rush toward a school bus, the journey has its share of excitement and worries. Above all, every parent wants to ensure their child’s safety, especially regarding road smarts. That is to say, teaching them “how to cross the street” becomes paramount. And, while you’ll find a helpful Goal Mine class video covering the first step on this blog, our written guide dives deeper. Each step is a lesson, turning those busy crossroads into safer territories for our young ones.

Step NumberStep NameDescription
1Where to CrossChoose designated pedestrian crossings or intersections with signals.
2Press the ButtonFind the button on poles at pedestrian crossings and wait patiently after pressing.
3Cross SafelyCross only when the walking icon is lit and stay attentive by looking and listening.
4Cross Quickly, But Don’t RunMaintain a brisk walk without distractions, ensuring not to run.

Step 1: Where to Cross

Where to begin? The safest spot, of course!

  • Sidewalk Crossings: Opt for designated pedestrian crossings or intersections. Not only are they safer, but cars expect pedestrians here.
  • Safety of Signals: Traffic signals are your allies. In other words, they give a clear cue to kids about when it’s safe to proceed.

Tip for parents: Role-play crossing the street at home. Create a mock road using rugs or toys, practicing crossing from a safe spot. Repetition can make this a second nature.

Read more: Teach Your Kid How to Cross the Street Without a Signal

Step 2: Press the Button

Getting ready to march.

  • Locate the Button: Usually found on poles at pedestrian crossings, these buttons inform the traffic signal system that someone wishes to cross.
  • Wait Patiently: After pressing the button, teach your kids to wait. For instance, playing a short ‘I Spy’ game can distract from impatience.

Parent’s Corner: Turn this into a game of “Spot the Button.” Make a fun count of how many they find during a stroll.

Step 3: Cross Safely

Now’s the time, but caution is still the key.

  • Watch the Signal: Ensure the kids know to cross only when the walking pedestrian icon is illuminated.
  • Eyes and Ears Open: It’s essential to be aware. Stress on looking left and right and listening for any oncoming vehicles.
how to cross the street. people are crossing the street at the traffic light.
Read more: How Do I Teach My Child To Use an AAC Talker?

Pro tip for parents: Always lead by example. Your child will mimic your behavior. So, if you wait and cross safely, they’ll do the same.

Step 4: Cross Quickly, But Don’t Run

Fast doesn’t mean reckless.

  • Steady Pace: Encourage a brisk walk across the street. Running can lead to accidents if they trip.
  • No Distractions: Ensure they aren’t fumbling with toys or electronic devices while crossing. Their attention should be on the road.

Advice for parents: Practice mock crossings at home. Use a timer to make it fun while emphasizing not to run.

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Does your child need some extra guidance on building essential life skills? Goally’s skill building tablet for kids includes a TV app that has the most robust video library of skills training videos for kids. Ranging from content like “How to Brush Your Teeth” to “How to Make Friends at School,” we have dozens of interactive video lessons for kids with thinking and learning differences.

An assortment of interactive video class thumbnails, including dental care and cooking, on the best tablet for kids by Goally.

HERE’s a video explaining how to works.

Teaching your child “how to cross the street” might seem like a Herculean task, but it’s all about breaking it down. Relate to those first steps you cheered for; remember the thrill and anxiety? This is just another step, albeit a crucial one. To sum up, if you found this guide beneficial, consider getting Goally’s dedicated Tablet. It unlocks many video lessons, diving even deeper into ensuring our kids navigate the world safely. Stay cautious, stay informed, and here’s to safer streets ahead!

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We help parents teach their kids life skills, like doing bedtime and morning independently. Backed by science, we incorporate evidence-based practices and expert-informed designs in all of our apps and content.