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5 Body Positive Affirmations for Kids

A little girl stands and looks in the mirror before practicing body positive affirmations.

We know how vital it is to nurture a child’s self-esteem and promote a healthy body image. Body positive affirmations are a powerful tool to help your child embrace their uniqueness and feel confident in their own skin. In this blog post, we’ll share five body positive affirmations that you can teach your child to foster self-love and acceptance.

1. “I am strong and capable in my body.”

It’s important to teach your child to recognize their physical abilities, as this can boost their self-confidence. This affirmation emphasizes their strength and capability, regardless of any thinking and learning differences they may have. Encourage your child to repeat this affirmation while engaging in activities that showcase their physical abilities, such as sports, dancing, or even household chores.

  • Builds self-confidence
  • Focuses on physical abilities
  • Can be used during various activities
Goally tablet showing Mood Tuner, the emotional regulation app for kids to help them manage big emotions.

So, next time your child is playing soccer or helping with the laundry, remind them of this affirmation to help build up their confidence in their body’s abilities.

2. “My body is unique and beautiful just the way it is.”

Teaching your child to appreciate their body’s uniqueness is crucial for self-acceptance. This affirmation helps your child understand that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and abilities. Remind your child that their body is a reflection of their individuality and that it’s something to be celebrated.

  • Encourages self-acceptance
  • Highlights the beauty of uniqueness
  • Celebrates individuality

By repeating this affirmation, your child will learn to embrace their body’s uniqueness and appreciate the beauty in their differences.

Four ballet students stand in a classroom, confident because of body positive affirmations.
Read more: 20 Positive Affirmations for My Son

3. “I am worthy of love and respect, no matter what my body looks like.”

It’s important for kids with thinking and learning differences to know that their worth is not determined by their appearance. This affirmation reinforces the idea that they deserve love and respect, regardless of their body shape or size. Discuss with your child the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, and remind them that they deserve the same in return.

  • Strengthens self-worth
  • Emphasizes kindness and respect
  • Promotes self-compassion

By incorporating this affirmation into their daily routine, your child will develop a strong sense of self-worth and learn the value of kindness and respect.

4. “I listen to my body and give it what it needs.”

Teaching your child to listen to their body’s needs is a vital skill for promoting a healthy relationship with their body. This affirmation encourages your child to pay attention to their body’s signals, such as hunger, thirst, or fatigue, and respond accordingly. Discuss with your child the importance of self-care and how it helps their overall well-being.

  • Enhances self-awareness
  • Supports self-care
  • Teaches the importance of listening to their body

By practicing this affirmation, your child will develop a better understanding of their body’s needs and learn the value of self-care.

5. “I am grateful for all the amazing things my body can do.”

Gratitude is a powerful tool for fostering a positive body image. This affirmation encourages your child to focus on their body’s abilities rather than its appearance. Help your child create a list of all the incredible things their body can do, such as running, jumping, or hugging, and remind them to express gratitude for these abilities regularly.

  • Encourages a positive body image
  • Promotes gratitude
  • Shifts focus from appearance to abilities

By practicing gratitude, your child will learn to appreciate what their body can do and develop a more positive body image.

A little girl in a bright red dress runs in a backyard, thankful for her body because of body positive affirmations.
Read more: Using Positive Affirmations for Kids

Final Thoughts on Body Positive Affirmations for Kids

Introducing body positive affirmations into your child’s daily routine can have a huge impact on their self-esteem and body image. By teaching your neurodivergent child to embrace their uniqueness and appreciate their body’s abilities, you’re setting them up for a lifetime of self-love and acceptance. Start incorporating these affirmations today and watch your child’s confidence soar.

“I am strong and capable in my body.”Builds self-confidence, focuses on physical abilities
“My body is unique and beautiful just the way it is.”Encourages self-acceptance, highlights the beauty of uniqueness
“I am worthy of love and respect, no matter what my body looks like.”Strengthens self-worth, emphasizes kindness and respect
“I listen to my body and give it what it needs.”Enhances self-awareness, supports self-care
“I am grateful for all the amazing things my body can do.”Encourages a positive body image, promotes gratitude

How to Introduce Body Positive Affirmations to Your Child

Now that you have a list of body positive affirmations to share with your child, you might wonder how to introduce them effectively. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

  • Make it a daily routine: Consistency is key when it comes to affirmations. Set aside a specific time each day for your child to practice their affirmations, such as during breakfast or before bedtime. By making it a daily routine, your child will be more likely to internalize these positive messages.
  • Use visual reminders: Visual reminders can be a great way to reinforce body positive affirmations. Create posters or cards with the affirmations and place them in areas where your child will see them regularly, such as their bedroom or bathroom mirror. This will help remind your child to practice their affirmations throughout the day.
  • Practice together: Children learn best by example, so practicing body positive affirmations together can be a powerful bonding experience. By saying the affirmations out loud together, you’ll not only be supporting your child’s self-esteem but also reinforcing your own positive body image.
  • Encourage open communication: Discuss the affirmations with your child and encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about their body. Open communication can help your child feel more comfortable discussing their body image and any concerns they may have.

Additional Resources for Building a Positive Body Image

While body positive affirmations are a great starting point, there are additional resources available to help you support your child’s journey towards a healthy body image. Here are some suggestions:

  • Books: There are many children’s books that promote body positivity and self-acceptance. Some popular titles include “I Like Myself!” by Karen Beaumont and “Your Body is Awesome” by Sigrun Danielsdottir.
  • Online resources: Websites such as Common Sense Media and A Mighty Girl offer curated lists of body-positive resources for kids, including books, movies, and TV shows.
  • Support groups: Look for local support groups or online communities where parents of neurodivergent kids can share experiences and resources related to body image and self-esteem.
  • Professional help: If your child is struggling with body image issues, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional who specializes in working with children and adolescents.

Goally | Kid’s Tablet for Building Emotional Regulation Skills

Is your child struggling with understanding and managing their emotions? Goally teaches emotional regulation skills in a fun and interactive way!

The Mood Tuner app encourages kids to look inwards and identify their feelings, helping them understand what’s going on inside. Once they’ve recognized their emotions, they can choose from a variety of exercises designed to help them self-regulate and find their balance.

Embrace Body Positivity and Watch Your Child Thrive

By incorporating body positive affirmations into your child’s daily routine and providing additional resources, you’re setting the foundation for a lifetime of self-love and acceptance. Remember, fostering a positive body image is an ongoing process, and it’s important to be patient as your child navigates their journey towards self-acceptance. With your guidance and encouragement, your neurodivergent child will develop the confidence and resilience they need to thrive.

FAQ’s About Body Positive Affirmations

What are body positive affirmations?
Body positive affirmations are positive statements used to challenge negative thoughts about one's body image and to cultivate acceptance, appreciation, and love for one's body.

Why are body positive affirmations important for children?
Body positive affirmations can boost self-esteem and help children develop a healthy relationship with their bodies, which is crucial for their mental and emotional well-being.

Can body positive affirmations help improve mental health?
Yes, regularly practicing body positive affirmations can significantly improve mental health by reducing negative thoughts and enhancing self-acceptance and self-worth.

How often should my child repeat body positive affirmations?
Children can benefit from repeating body positive affirmations daily, especially in the morning or before bedtime, to reinforce positive self-perceptions.

What are some examples of body positive affirmations for kids?
Examples include "I am perfect just the way I am," "My body is strong and capable," and "I deserve to feel good in my body."

This post was originally published on 05/08/2023. It was updated on 04/18/2024.

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